Local文件夹是应用程序用来存储特定于当前设备,且不会跨计算机同步的数据。 通常情况下,应用程序会将配置文件和偏好设置保存在这个文件夹中。例如,在Local文件夹中,你可以找到一个名为「Microsoft」的文件夹,其中又包含了 Microsoft Edge、Office、OneDrive、事件查看器、Teams 等应用程序的数据(具体取决于你安装了哪些...
Microsoft provide a Windows Installer for Teams see/en-us/microsoftteams/msi-deploymentthat installs to the Program Files directory. However if you stick with per-user installation you could use scripted detection method e.g. if(Test-Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"){...
path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Temporary Filesname: LastAccessHope above information can help you.Thanks again for your understanding and support.Best Regards,Otto Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feed...
You can clean up the OneDrive setup files in theC:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IEfolder by following these steps: 1.Delete the files manually:You can delete these files directly. However, you should skip the file container.dat. 2...
And other applications running, Microsoft Teams, on a newly booted computer. Has the problem been observed after any specific Windows update or does it occur regardless of that? It happens independently, we have continued to make the updates published by Microsoft and in principle,...
And other applications running, Microsoft Teams, on a newly booted computer. Has the problem been observed after any specific Windows update or does it occur regardless of that? It happens independently, we have continued to make the updates published by Microsoft and in ...
Switch to Temporary Storage- Azure App Services provide full access to the D-\local\Temp directory. Instead of relying on ApplicationData, try using the temp directory for your caching needs- string cachePath = Path.GetTempPath(); This folder is more stable and should work c...
Microsoft Security Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Power Platform Microsoft Teams Microsoft Industry Small Business Developer & IT Azure Developer Center Documentation Microsoft Learn Microsoft Tech Community Azure Marketplace AppSource Visual Studio Company Careers About Microsoft Company...
Microsoft Visual Studio Learn About Feedback Downloads Support Subscriber Access All Microsoft Sign in to your account Sign in Developer Community Your open channel to Microsoft engineering teams Error loading VS Status: 'Request failed with status code 500' ...
Microsoft Store-support Returer Orderspårning Återvinning Kommersiella garantier Utbildning Microsoft Education Enheter för utbildning Microsoft Teams för utbildning Microsoft 365 Education Office Education Utbildning och utveckling för lärare Erbjudanden för e...