Download Now! AppCleaner allows you to uninstall your apps more easily. It searches the files created by the applications and you can delete them quickly. Last update24 Feb. 2015|old versionsLicenceFreeOS SupportMac OS XDownloadsTotal: 149,794 | Last week: 1Ranking#119 inSystem UtilitiesPublis...
AppCleaner is completely free to use on the Mac operating systems, developed by FreeMacSoft. In fact, the developers do not even offer a paid version of AppCleaner. You canupdatethe platform each time a new software update is released with zero costs to you. You can support the development ...
Also available in other platforms AppCleaner for Mac Program available in other languages Download do AppCleaner [PT] AppCleaner indir [TR] Unduh AppCleaner [ID] AppCleaner 다운로드 [KO] ดาวน์โหลด AppCleaner [TH] AppCleaner herunterladen [DE] Télécharger AppCleaner ...
Appcleaner for mac网盘下载地址: 首先,下载AppCleaner并安装,初次运行我们就可以看见下面的主界面: 该应用使用简单方便,用户只需直接将需要删除的应用软件图标拖入到窗口中即可。同时顶部还有三个Tab标签页,分别点击可显示出当前安装的软件列表、Dashboard 的插件列表以及其他可以清理...
AppCleanerfor Mac Free In English Version3.6.8 Download(4.2 MB) What users say aboutAppCleaner ByRobioonSep 9 2023for v.3.6.8 Customer support:5.0 Stupid MacUpdate review form FORCES you to add a dislike, so I picked "social media integration" because obviously AppCleaner doesn't do that. ...
Download AppCleaner 3.6.8 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ A small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
Cleaning up your Mac is an integral part of desktop maintenance, and removing unwanted apps can go a long way in keeping your machine feeling snappy as it ages. Unlike some paid alternatives like Trash Me, AppCleaner is a free donation-based app that helps you uninstall software you no longe...
进到首页选择你的 Mac 系统版本,点 Download 继续。 开启后将准备移除的程序移到窗口里,或是点右上角清单查看所有内容。 像这套软件占了27.3MB,程序会列出涵盖的资料夹、文件的个别体积,可以视需求全选删除,或是将要留下来的取消勾选,比拖到垃圾桶删除更彻底,也更清楚知道删了什么东西。
MAC軟體「AppCleaner」使用介紹: 進入官方網站後,點擊右邊的Download Now,然後依你的MAC系統版本選擇下載。 解壓縮後可以直接使用或是拖曳到應用程式裡即可。 移除方式第一種,直接將應用程式裡要移除的程式拖曳進去。 然後他會搜尋出這個程式有哪些檔案需要刪除,勾選後直接按Delete就可以囉。
AppCleaner for Mac download When you want to download AppCleaner for Mac, you need to go to the official site of FreeMacSoft, click on theAppCleanertab, and then select a suitable version to download. On the right side of the AppCleaner interface diagram, under theDownloads, you can access...