While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - including huffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canisters meant for a kid's birthday scene. 102 votes Agree or disagree? 14 Rubber Doll St...
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 102 votes
These Tabloids are in this competitive death race and they take any whispers, any salacious hate rumor and anything their interns (trying to prove themselves) dreams up and present it as facts. This is done all because they know there is a small group of vocal 8-mongers who will believe a...
Perhaps this is too much to get into in this space, but this is one of the many reasons why the current theatre system is set up the way it is, with larger “regional” (non-NYC) theaters hiring NYC-based actors. The theaters pay a premium for what is generally considered a m...
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 101 votes
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - including huffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canisters meant for a kid's birthday scene. 102 votes Agree or disagree? 14 Rubber Doll Sta...
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 101 votes
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 101 votes
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 101 votes
While waiting to be called on set, the trio would make their way backstage and do whatever they felt like to pass the time - includinghuffing nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canistersmeant for a kid's birthday scene. 101 votes