SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference Y1_ not resolved. Repeater_&Y1_ Of course, you could make your life even easier by not putting an underscore following a macro variable. Instead of data Repeater_&&Y&i._; with an underscore (or really any ...
2 + filename msg email to = "" from = "" subject = "Test mail"; 2 + data _null_; file msg; put "Text1: Test"; put '0D0A'x; put "Text2: Text&MoreText"; run; WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MORETEXT not resolved. What am I missing? ...
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference Y1_ not resolved. Repeater_&Y1_ Of course, you could make your life even easier by not putting an underscore following a macro variable. Instead of data Repeater_&&Y&i._; with an underscore (or really any ...
2 + filename msg email to = "" from = "" subject = "Test mail"; 2 + data _null_; file msg; put "Text1: Test"; put '0D0A'x; put "Text2: Text&MoreText"; run; WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MORETEXT not resolved. What am I missing? ...
Re: Syntax for finding outliers - "Apparent symbolic reference AMP not resolved." Posted 11-18-2021 04:49 PM (1385 views) | In reply to _maldini_ @_maldini_ wrote: @PaigeMiller Looking at the STDIZE Procedure documentation. I'm not sure how this solves my problem. My ...
Re: Syntax for finding outliers - "Apparent symbolic reference AMP not resolved." Posted 11-18-2021 04:49 PM (1354 views) | In reply to _maldini_ @_maldini_ wrote: @PaigeMiller Looking at the STDIZE Procedure documentation. I'm not sure how this solves my problem. My ...
Re: Why I'm Getting "Apparent symbolic reference "Variable" not resolv... %let & Macro issue - WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference XX not resol... Apparent symbolic reference not resolved Resolving Macro Variable in INFILE statement having single (') and d... Macro Erros Appar...
The first two data steps generate WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference B not resolved. The third one fails to recognize the macro variable as valid sas code. Any idea? High-Performance SAS Coding - Third Edition 0 Likes Reply 8 REPLIES Tom...
Re: ERROR 22-322 / WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference CODELIST not resolved Posted 11-15-2017 12:36 PM (2220 views) | In reply to Astounding You can adapt the macro so that you will be independent of case letters: %macro flag(codetype, flagtype); %let codetyep = %upc...
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference CODELIST not resolved. ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a quoted string, a numeric constant, a datetime constant, a missing value, iterator, (. ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored. Thank you for your ...