Combining this known intrinsic brightness with the newly established distance, and accounting for interstellar absorption, astronomers estimate that the supernova peaked with an apparent brightness between magnitude -7.9 and -7.1. Fireworks in Lupus: this year marks the 1,000th anniversary of the brigh...
In most cases, by appropriate experimental design and scrutiny of the shape, magnitude and symmetry of the cyclic voltammograms, such factors can be unraveled so that the individual values of the standard heterogeneous rate constants and the formal potentials can be determined. For this, guidelines ...
However, we found that predicted cross-edge indirect effects did not differ significantly in magnitude (Fig. 6; Supplementary Table 11), though there was a non-significant trend towards hosts in plantation forest having stronger apparent competitive effects on hosts in native forest than vice versa...
(RD). It is also possible to calculate the magnitude of diffusion, reflected by the mean diffusivity (MD); and the degree of anisotropy, which is a measure of tissue organization that can be expressed by several indexes, including a dimensionless one named fractional anisotropy (FA). C...
In models of triggered seismicity and in their estimation from empirical data, the detection threshold md is commonly equated to the magnitude m0 of the smallest triggering earthquake. This unjustifi...
If we let y = Mo2/3 and x = E1/2 then by applying the “Magnitude Ratio Theorem”, we get(9)Mw/Me=pwhere(10)p=4α/9=2/31+β In other words, the theoretical ratio between Mw and Me for an individual earthquake may be written by a very simple equation which involves...
(Δ+δ)αm2Dis]}where Dis is the bulk diffusivity of water in somas, δ and Δ the diffusion gradient pulse width and separation, g the magnitude of diffusion gradient pulse, αm the mth root of the equation (αrs)−1J32(αrs)=J52(αrs), with Jn(x) the Bessel function of ...
Normal-weight obesity appears to be an extended diagnosis/syndrome associated with insufficient physical fitness levels and inadequate eating habits at least from school years. However, its relation to long term health parameters in pre-school children remains unknown, even though pre-school age is cr...
Simple Summary There are currently two main concerns in broiler production. The first concern is the production cost, the key to which is improving feed efficiency; the second relates to the environmental impact. Both are vitally important for business sustainability. Some existing nutritional strategie...
Furthermore, in the particular case of vegetation, the SIF emission (F in the formulation for brevity) can be included in Equation (3) as an additional source of energy. Since SIF is orders of magnitude lower than the TOA radiance reaching the sensor, it can be physically considered as a...