When I execute app_process without adb root or [Aborted] error, I can execute successfully with adb root permission. Code: package shellService; Public class testbbs { Public void a(){ System.out.println("123ssd5e5dd22dd"); } } Does the ...
Aborted This is fixed by updating the library path: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Now input keyevent 66 does send an extra return. But the trick is to send that key after the shell has terminated. This line does that: (sleep .1;input keyevent 66) & exit ...
**monkey aborted due to error 手机关机 在logcat日志中搜索temperature温度、batterylevel电池电量,温度过高可能会自动关机,要验证是不是APP造成的 手机重启 导致logcat停止,要复现验证,看是在monkey测试中停止还是monkey测试完成后停止的 关机:shutdown/shut;重启:reboot; logcat命令断开;tombstone,tcdump ...
mac Android studio com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager$StartupAbortedExceptiir AS Debug还能这么玩?我也是服 ADB adb通过wifi连接android设备 查询分辨率 adb shell wm size adb命令集合 android面试资料 android_interviews 随机数 小程序 小程序注册 搭建环境 调试Helloworld 代码结构 配置...