Workshop „Mit AWS App2Container modernisieren“: Containerisieren Sie Ihre .NET-App Demos und Tutorials Sehen Sie sich diese Videos und Blogs an, um App2Container in Aktion zu sehen. So containerisieren Sie eine .NET-Anwendung mithilfe von AWS App2Container (A2C) in Amazon ECS Beschle...
with the AWS App2Container (A2C) modernization tool. This preparation guide explains what you need to know to pass the assessment, topic by topic, with resources you can review. You should also have hands-on experience using the tool, either with your own applications or an AWS workshop. ...
Per un'esperienza pratica con App2Container, consulta il Modernize with Workshop. AWS App2ContainerSe desideri vivere un'esperienza di apprendimento approfondito, chiedi al team del tuo AWS account di organizzare una giornata di immersione in App2Container. ...
He is a regular presenter and workshop host at conferences. He has been fortunate to speak at DockerCon, NDC, DevSum, ProgNet, SDD, Container Camp and Future Decoded. You'll often see me at user groups too - Docker London, London DevOps and WinOps are my local...
jq -r ‘keys[] | select(test(“^iis-dnn-*”))’ C:\a2cworkshop\remote\inventory.json Analysis Phase: Execute the “app2container remote analyze” command, replacing with the application ID and with the source server’s private IP ad...
Modernize with AWS App2Container Workshop: Containerize your .NET App Demo e tutorial Guarda questi video e blog per vedere come funziona App2Container. How to containerize a .NET application into Amazon ECS using AWS App2Container (A2C) ...
jq -r ‘keys[] | select(test(“^iis-dnn-*”))’ C:\a2cworkshop\remote\inventory.json Analysis Phase: Execute the “app2container remote analyze” command, replacing with the application ID and with the source server’s private IP add...
jq -r ‘keys[] | select(test(“^iis-dnn-*”))’ C:\a2cworkshop\remote\inventory.json Analysis Phase: Execute the “app2container remote analyze” command, replacing with the application ID and with the source server’s private IP ad...
Locate the inventory in the designated workspace directory (such as ‘C:\a2cworkshop\remote’), containing an “inventory.json” file with the .NET application details. Note the application ID from the JSON output of the inventory file. O...