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九、书籍阅读 支持大容量txt阅读,pdf、word等。 十、压缩与解压 支持zip、rar、7z三种格式解压,及zip格式文件压缩。 十一、电视直播 独创格式,将直播链接写入文本,即可尝试解析并播放。 Más Novedades Historial de actualizaciones Versión 5.2 修正下载目录问题,高级设置中增加根目录设置 Compras...
支持大容量txt阅读,pdf、word等。 十、压缩与解压 支持zip、rar、7z三种格式解压,及zip格式文件压缩。 十一、电视直播 独创格式,将直播链接写入文本,即可尝试解析并播放。 Novedades 24 abr 2024 Versión 5.2 修正下载目录问题,高级设置中增加根目录设置
• "Speak ‘N Spell for the iPad Generation" - The New York Times • Word Wizard is an award-winning app used in schools that offers several unique reading and sp…
[336星][5m] [Py] rbsec/dnscan a python wordlist-based DNS subdomain scanner. [267星][1y] [Py] trycatchhcf/packetwhisper Stealthily exfiltrate data and defeat attribution using DNS queries and text-based steganography. Avoid the problems associated with typical DNS exfiltration methods. Transfe...
[302星][7m] [Py] screetsec/brutesploit BruteSploit is a collection of method for automated Generate, Bruteforce and Manipulation wordlist with interactive shell. That can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and maybe can be used in CTF for manipulation,combine,transform and permutation...
word list 9 108个词语 aubreyzk 基阿第二册大礼包 1,036个词语 wendeppkdc 雅思 31个词语 Mu-Cathy barron list 11 78个词语 crystal_ms 歌德(倒序2) 201个词语 a52372209 语文小一(课文12-14) 13个词语 Yue_HE77 基础词汇51--100 50个词语 ...
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
The entire content of the Sibley Guide to Birds – over 6600 images, every word of text, 800 range maps – along with the songs and calls of nearly every species… and all in your pocket! for iPhone and iPod touch for Android OS ...
Suponha que seleccionar uma série de células descontínuas numa tabela do Microsoft Word 2010. Em seguida, executar o método Selection.End no modelo de objectos do Word para obter a posição do carácter do últi...