PlayToo Good To Go: End Food Wasteon PC with NoxPlayer Download on PC APK Details Last Update:2024-07-11Current Version:24.6.10 Too Good To Go is the free food recovery app that makes it easy to make a positive impact on the planet while saving money on your favourite foods. The #1...
toogoodtogo安卓版是当前在全世界都非常流行的节约粮食推广软件,同时该应用也是一个庞大的购物平台,大家可以邀请到身边人一起参与杜绝粮食浪费的行动中来,对此项活动感兴趣的朋友肯定会喜欢这款app的。 too good to go app介绍 toogoodtogo超市是世界第一的消除食物浪费的应用程序,加入数百万食物浪费战士的行列。从...
| 一定要下载这个人间宝藏天使APP — TOO GOOD TO GO!! 看了这个界面,是不是觉得就像个外卖软件。但其实,人家可是个不折不扣的人间天使! 这是一个两年前,由几个丹麦年轻人创立的app,意在为反对浪费粮食,使用很少很少的钱,就能买到将过期(但没到期)的食物的应用。一经推出,在丹麦和荷兰立即就有25万人注册。
toogoodtogo安卓版是一个主打节约粮食的美食购物平台,在这里,您可以使用它来在线点外卖,可以在商家打烊前买到超值的美食! Too Good To Go app简介 每年,三分之一的食物被扔掉。Too Good To Go正试图改变这种状况。使用该应用程序,从你附近的企业拯救装满美味、剩余食物的惊喜袋。
🛒💰低价买到超多食物的App:Too Good To Go Too Good To Go是一款提倡反对食物浪费的软件:商家会将未卖出的食物装在“惊喜篮”中以非常优惠的价格出售。 惊喜篮的意思是,我们在去取货之前是不知道里面到底有什么...
Too Good To Go makes it easy to make a positive impact on the planet while saving money on your favourite foods. That's why it's been named as Winner in the '20…
Too Good To Go 网站: 2015年在哥本哈根成立,Too Good To Go由五个合伙人成立。Too Good To Go的宗旨就是阻止食物浪费,透过和许多的餐馆和超市合作来达到目的。自从成立后,该公司现在已经节省了2900万份餐点,并避免了相当于72,000多吨温室气体排放,这相当于一年驾驶15,000辆汽车。
本人有点挑食,所以盲盒性质的并不适合我,App就此被搁置了。 虽然搁置了app,但还是会经常观看Reddit上的社群,里面的人会分享自己拿到的东西。观后感为,欧洲的相对量更大,英国的目测最划算。其中当然也有浑水摸鱼店家。 在这里贴一些该社群的图供大家参考:...
Outside of the app's service, Too Good To Go has also worked to create a movement against food waste in the industry and education systems. "The problem is way bigger than just the restaurant business," Lykke says. "The mindset we have around food is a bit flawed...
Not too long ago, companies or individual developers identified or branded themselves by creating a Web site presence. Although that’s still the case, the emerging trend is to create and distribute software through Web-based marketplaces, such as the Windows Store. This software model s...