OffScreen 将带你了解自己的手机使用状况,通过智能提醒、禁用 APP、番茄钟慢慢减少你对手机的依赖,找回专注力,回归生活。 ——— - 人性化的屏幕使用时间统计,让你先了解自己 * 统计每日屏幕时间、拿起次数、平均查看时长等 9 个维度数据 * 每日动态,用时间轴展示每日玩手机次数 * ...
2.22"Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the App, such as by location or carrier, may be rejected" 武断地根据环境(如定位或者运营商)限制用户使用的应用会被拒。 2.23Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected 应用必须遵守iOS数据储存指导方针(iOS Data ...
We’re pleased that you want to invest your talents and time to develop applications for iOS. It has been a rewarding experience - both professionally and financially - for hundreds of thousands of developers and we want to help you join this successful group. We have published our App Store...
There was a setting that allowed the app to “restrict this iPhone”. AFTER I DELETED THE APP. How is this app allowed to access and even control your phone after you supposedly “deleted this app and all of its data”? Please make this app more restricted and, users, don't allow ...
Parental controls work great to protect kids, but you have to do your part too. So know that we’re keeping an eye out for the kids. 有很多儿童用户从 App Store 下载应用。虽然家长监护功能可以很好地保护他们,但是你也需要做应该做的那一部分。你要知道我们时刻在留心孩子们。
When you submit a selfie for photo verification, we use computer vision technology to compare the face in the selfie with the faces in the profile photos you uploaded. During this process, data about your facial geometry is temporarily generated for comparison. ...
How to set up daily app usage limits on iOS via Screen Time Apple introduced the Screen Time feature Apple with iOS 12 to keep track of your screen usage as you use your phone throughout the day. Just like Digital Wellbeing on Android, you can use Screen Time to set app limits on yo...
Select universal links to exempt Specify which iOS/iPadOS Universal Links should open in the specified unmanaged application instead of the protected browser specified by the Restrict web content transfer with other apps setting. You must contact the application developer to determine the correct universa...
Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to theiTunes store. Apps that are simply a book should be submitted to theiBookstore.(歌曲和电影应该提交到iTunes store。书籍应该提交到iBookstore。) 2.22 Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the App, suchas by location...
(v) you have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of your information, in which case, we will not process your information for any purpose other than storing it; (vi) you have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of your Personal ...