create a restaurant wish list or simply log all cities you've ever visited. It's as easy as creating a new map and start adding places. Add notes to describe a place or get directions from your location. Since all maps are saved as a GPX-file, it's easy to open your maps on othe...
to get GPX File Editor to open it: either save it to iCloud and import it from within the app (if you have Documents and Desktop syncing enabled just save the file to your desktop) or send the file to yourself via Message, email or AirDrop. We are considering adding the ability to ...
Open GPX Tracker非常适合以下用途: 旅行和度假(离线地图应用) 收集和分享轨迹和路点数据 用作相机GPS助手 跟踪徒步探险和自行车路线 创建用于编辑OpenStreetMap的路线和路点 发布OpenStreetMap轨迹 创建真实的GPX文件,以便在Xcode中测试您的iOS应用程序 主要特点: ...
key 4auto center map to delete the marker open with 3 the menu select the marker and press long enter (+- 5sec) key 5parameters view during tracking key 6jump between loaded gpx tracks key 7measure distance key 8export markers as geojson file ...
Do you have your favourite GPX or KML tracks and routes and want to see them in detail on your iPhone & iPad, or you just want to head into the mountains and record your adventure? No matter what kind of traveller you are, GPX Viewer PRO offers all this and more. THE ABILITY TO IM...
To add a new KML, GPX, or TOPOJSON overlay As with the geojson overlay, you can also inject a KML layer, GPX layer or TOPOJSON layer. The syntax is the same but with either akmlproperty containing the KML string - agpxproperty containing a GPX string - or atopojsonproperty containing...
(tape measure, digital ruler) - is beautiful, functional and easy to use tool on every smartphone or tablet.Screen ruler includes the following functions: measure the length (size), distance measurement (length, diameter), unit converter (mm to inches, centimeters to inches), straight line,...
HbUp2OMAKda+KBSeJeqYPqad16a2xrhd13HLEkUxDxB4GgmEEq3QEvMN2xn8GOgrIQp5GGPxGIrQ KIhGSq5YIYIvNmPp1IFAD8DA7wZ0h9Z5wAg9oSCbCAsNl6DHPEXXdE0ppf9iR+SOAcWDZ007DxTX DfGM36OHiHbeaOBah4g9IYGPaoOG9UfRlIpxQ5A+lTDCIXtgVTJEIXAt7wJ7VB/C2gc2tWZwKcBU zt86owklB3j3faGt9X1rHddOe7dYwUSK4IZxeJOHR...