This is the free version. Start playing Rock, Blues, Jazz, Latin Music and other contemporary styles on Piano/Keyboards. While you play the lessons you will in…
Learn to play piano with the songs you know and love. Discover beautiful arrangements for all abilities, created by professional pianists. Step-by-step courses to reach your goals Easy-to-understand lessons that cover everything from music theory, mastering chords, and how to read sheet music....
This app is to learn how to play a real Piano/Keyboard. It is not a virtual piano. * With this app you don´t need to know how to read sheet music to learn how to play Piano or Keyboards. You simply watch the animations on each lesson and play the same by imitation on your ow...
When you fire up Virtual Piano Trainer you can adjust things like key labels and signatures and how many octaves are displayed. There are three degrees of difficulty to choose from and you’ll learn to read music as you play by design. While simple, the screensaver is a nice touch as you...
Hello Piano is the easiest way to learn playing keys like a pro. Your personal piano tutor for free. Download it now to find out how to comprehend theory and practice in the form of fancy games! With Hello Piano app you can learn how to play piano well and study the theory without di...
Forget pricey piano lessons. Get a lifetime subscription to the Skoove piano lessons app and learn how to play piano by yourself.
Learn piano the Playground way Play the video “I am amazed at how easy I can follow along and actually learn how to play the piano. My husband and I bought a lifetime membership for our daughter and she loves it!” Carla R.
Smart piano keyboard, Classical to Pop, Real-time connection! Perfect Piano is an intelligent piano simulator design for your iPhone and iPad. With in-built genuine piano timbre, this app can teach you how to play piano and amuse you at the same time!
一款趣味性的寓教于乐的钢琴学习应用,让您边探寻神秘世界,边轻松学习钢琴弹奏。 弹钢琴学儿歌,一般又称Learn to play piano with Danny。 跟丹尼一起学钢琴,带你探寻神秘世界。手机也能弹钢琴。超好玩。历趣分享,乐趣共享。可爱的钢琴 简单的乐谱 *适合宝宝弹奏的音乐 优美的画面 弹钢琴学儿歌下载安装失败或...
一款趣味性的寓教于乐的钢琴学习应用,让您边探寻神秘世界,边轻松学习钢琴弹奏。 弹钢琴学儿歌介绍 弹钢琴学儿歌,一般又称Learn to play piano with Danny。 跟丹尼一起学钢琴,带你探寻神秘世界。手机也能弹钢琴。超好玩。历趣分享,乐趣共享。可爱的钢琴 简单的乐谱 *适合宝宝弹奏的音乐 优美的画面 手机弹钢琴学...