Free educational app to learn English letters and other basic vocabulary. Free phonics and alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun, for toddlers all the w…
From the creators behind Duolingo, the world’s #1 education app, comes Duolingo ABC! Duolingo ABC is the fun, hands-on way for your child to learn to read! From preschool to second grade, engage kids with interactive stories and over 700 hands-on lessons. Duolingo ABC offers bite-sized ...
From the creators behind Duolingo, the world’s #1 education app, comes Duolingo ABC! Duolingo ABC is the fun, hands-on way for your child to learn to read! Fr…
1.动画游戏启蒙课,代表:Lingumi、Runfox狐狸快跑等 (1) Lingumi 特点是外教真人不出现或较少出现,以...
Learn to read (Learn ABC) FREE应用简介 Learn to read is a fun learning game for preschools kids. Play and learn at the same time 3 different game modes * Alphabet * ABC memory * Learn to read This game is also fun for the youngest children with a little help from an adult who read...
其中“ABC”板块会教孩子们26个英语字母及发音,“Learn to Read”板块能帮助孩子们掌握自然拼读的基础规则,掌握音素的概念;“It's Fun to Read”会学习词汇,通过歌曲、诗歌、谜语等来强化认知;“Talking Library”里面有丰富的绘本朗读资源,可以一边听着绘本故事一边通过看屏幕上的内容强化阅读能力。
Help your toddler to learn how to spell more than 900 words with the letter puzzle matching game associating pronunciation of words with high-quality pictures.…
点击下载 learn english儿童学英语软件 36.62M / 2023-03-17 / v1.15 安卓免费版 儿童学英语app是专为适龄儿童打造的英语学习软件,趣味的图画让学习不再枯燥、多种玩法让孩子边学习边成长,家长更省心,绿色资源网欢迎大家下载!官方介绍learnenglish儿童学英语是是帮助您的孩子开始以一种轻松有趣 点击下载 热门...
(fingerPrint.toLowerCase() !=='abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12')thrownewError('UNAUTHORIZED');// Validate time validityconstcurrentDate =newDate();if(currentDate < incomingCert.validity.notBefore || currentDate > incomingCert.validity.notAfter)thrownewError('UNAUTHORIZED');// Validate ...
Starfall很多家长朋友都听说过,里面包含 ABCs、Learn to read、It's fun to read和I'm reading四个模块,这是一个循序渐进的英文学习过程。 Starfall ABCs专门训练小朋友26个英文字母的自然拼读,连零基础的孩子也能轻松驾驭。 打开APP是非常简洁...