This navigation app is extremely light, fast and easy to use. No complicated information and useless tabs. Just straightforward results. Ideal to quickly and easily find your coordinates on the go. A clean and minimalistic design and visuals help you read latitude and longitude information quickly...
摄影与录像 里程表 / 距离计算器 - 里程 / 距离计算 /测距仪 工具 飞机- 航班搜索与GPS 旅游 分贝仪. 工具 變聲 音乐 叫車/ 計程車叫車 - 叫車 / 出租车司机 / 的的打車 / 上海出租车 / 台湾出租车 金屬探測器 - 電磁波 掃描器 工具 密码生成器 / 关键词生成器 - 密码生成 / 随...
You need to find the latitude and longitude of your location. Replace one of the existing lat/lon locations in the code, with your new values. Then, find and replace all instances of the name you replaced, with your new name. Then run the code. Find west1 in the...
GPS Data displays the following information, in an easy-to-use list format: • Current time • Time since last update • Accuracy of readings • Latitude & Longitude coordinates (decimal degrees and degrees/minutes/seconds) • Elevation (meters and feet above sea level) • Speed (met...
An Open Data Source, in JSON format, that contains latitude and longitude information (more information on that and how to find it in the explanations below A name for your application Downloading the template The template is available on github it’s calledWin8_FinderApp_Client ...
• Flexible Coordinate Formats: Tailor your experience with multiple latitude and longitude formats (DD decimal degrees, DDM degrees and decimal minutes, DMS degrees, minutes and seconds sexagesimal , UTM Universal Transverse Mercator, MGRS Military Grid Reference System) to suit your needs. ...
You'll be able to see exactly where he is at all times, with precise location information. You'll see thelatitude and longitudewith accurate date and time info. Being able to track your husband's location in a snap gives you the peace of mind you need. ...
Precise Location Information that describes the location of a user or device with the same or greater resolution as a latitude and longitude with three or more decimal places Coarse Location Information that describes the location of a user or device with lower resolution than a latitude and longit...
The Latitude, Longitude and Altitude properties of the Geocoordinate class are there for backward compatibility, but the Point property should be used going forward. There are several other valuable pieces of information in the Geocoordinate class that are helpful in dealing with geofences. The most...
Coming soon: sync to website. City Information Map & Coordinates Shows location on a map with latitude and longitude. Calling Codes Country & area codes. Country, State & Flag Includes name of political subdivision: e.g. state, territory, or canton. ...