不小心弄丢了蓝牙设备吗?这款应用程序的工作原理就像Airtags,帮助你在几秒钟内找到你的AirPods,耳机,Fitbit追踪器,手机耳机和Apple Pencil。 您可以随时在地图上查看蓝牙设备的位置。 我们设备雷达会在您靠近您的设备时提醒您。 Findpods: Find my AirPods & Tag也能帮你找到自己的AirPods。
Find My AirPods Premium AirPods tracker and finder unlimited access. Prova gratuita 查找我的蓝牙设备高级版(每年) 查找丢失的设备、iPhone、Air Pods、手表、iPad、Pencil 耳机。 Prova gratuita Privacy dell’app Lo sviluppatore,App Holdings, ha indicato che le procedure per la tutela della privacy dell...
The Find My app is a great way to locate your Apple devices, friends, AirTags, and more. Here’s everything you need to know to get started.
Now, Android users have an app that can be used to scan for unknown AirTags that could potentially be used to follow their location. Tracker Detect looks for item trackers that are separated from their owner and that are compatible with Apple’s Find My network. These item trackers includ...
Jun 14, 2024 5:30 PM in response to Jeanguyb You are in the Find My settings (in the Settings app). To view your AirTags, open the Find My application itself. Look for the following icon on your Home Screen: (1) Reply of 1 Find...
there's a simple blue button labeled "Scan" that will check to see if there are any AirTags that have been separated from their owner nearby. If there is, it'll make the AirTag play a sound to help you find it. Apple says it may take up to 15 minutes after a tracker is separated...
New Tracker Detect on Android is an ‘anti-stalking’ app that enables users to find unknown AirTags or other devices The new anti-stalking app by Apple brings all iOS privacy features related to AirTag on Android to easily find unknown trackers. ...
Air Tag not added to Find My App Please help me figure this out! I recently added 4 new AirTags to my iPhone 15, but they aren’t showing up on the Find My App. They showed to be added and set up, but aren’t in the list of devices. What did I do wrong?
Having had to go through a final where a phone was ringing in a backpack was a terrible experience. Imagine if someone who was feeling impish decided to do that with airtags...it would be quite a simple execution (be outside the lecture hall wall where the backpacks are......
Following Apple and Google's joining forces to combat stalking via tracking devices, screenshots from a forthcoming Android app show how it will alert users to nearby AirTags.