Fast Clean 是一款轻量级的重复照片清理应用程序,配备强大的清理工具,可帮助您轻松清理 iPhone 和 iPad 上的所有重复照片和联系人。 360 Fast Clean 将未来主义设计与先进的清洁工具相结合,可帮助您节省大量 iPhone 时间和存储空间 它为您提供高效的清洁工具,您可以使用这些工具: ...
• Airbnb Cleaning • Post Construction Cleaning • Move in/Move out Cleaning Our easy-to-use interface lets you filter by price, rating, and other criteria to find the best offer for you. Booking a cleaning service has never been easier with Allclean. Our app lets you book online ...
Clean Air is the monitoring APP to be able to view the indoor air quality of your home, office or school compared to the external air quality in the same location. Through very simple color coding, CleanAir APP helps you understand what the actual situation is both inside and outside to ...
由 MacPaw 精心打造。 在海量随手拍下的照片和相片副本中找到您想要的照片似乎是不可能的任务。 CleanMy®Phone 可以减少不必要的相片,让您轻松找到所有值得纪念的时刻。 CleanMy®Phone 有什么功能? 清理 iPhone 储存空间如果您喜欢随手拍照,那么您的手机可能会塞满了模糊照片、旧截图和多张重复的照片。 Clean...
这是Mac上比较全能的清理工具,很像windows的火绒,配置的功能比较多,对于新手来说非常友好,卸载效果也不错。AppStore下载,有一段时间的适应期,收费。 App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro 这是我用过非常不错的清理工具,不同于CleanmyMax的功能种类多样,它在清理缓存上效果极佳,能够把隐藏的文件也卸载,亲测有效。
Made by the Mac security experts at Intego, VirusBarrier Scanner is a free anti-virus and malware removal tool for iMac, MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and iMac Pro. Choose between ‘Maximum Protection’ to easily scan all files which belong to you, or ‘Essential Protection’ to scan...
"'Install' needs to be updated. (The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information.)" This link worked for you? I'm on a Macbook air running Ventura 13.2.1, so it SHOULD have no problem, ...
Feb 28, 2024 6:17 PM in response to PRP_53 Thanks for the suggestion. Did that but not really sure what I'm looking at. It's pretty much the same thing with storage in setting. Reply of 1 macbook air app is larger than size of ssd Welcome...
Error connecting to Apple ID-server On my MacBook Air I need to update my ID-settings. However, after filling out my (correct) password I get an error: there’s a problem connecting to Apple ID-server. I’ve check the Apple server status: all green (although there was a problem yeste...