1创建账号 大家首先进入Common App 网站——Apply to college with Common App | Your future starts here 图源于官网 点击右上角的“Create an account”,选择“First year student”,进入界面创建个人申请账户。图源于官网 在这个页面需要大家填写邮箱地址、账户密码信息。图源于官网 随后填写好姓名、家庭住址、电...
完成注册之后,大家就可以进入系统进行操作。 在“大学搜索”选项卡中,你可以搜索并添加你想申请的大学,把自己的梦校加入到My colleges院校清单中,建立你的大学名单。 图源于官网 一定要记得Cmmom App最多只能加20所大学,在正式提交之前院校可以随时调整。一旦正式提交了,你将无法从你的“我的大学”列表中删除这些院...
完成注册之后,大家就可以进入系统进行操作。 在“大学搜索”选项卡中,你可以搜索并添加你想申请的大学,把自己的梦校加入到My colleges院校清单中,建立你的大学名单。 图源于官网 一定要记得Cmmom App最多只能加20所大学,在正式提交之前院校可以随时调整。一旦正式提交了,你将无法从你的“我的大学”列表中删除这些院...
添加大学,提交申请 点击主菜单上的College Search或My Colleges下的Add a college,进入学校搜索菜单。 可以通过城市名称或学校名称来搜索: 在出现的学校列表中找到目标学校,点击右侧的“+”加号,把这所学校加入你的学校清单。 在My Colleges里可以看到你加入清单的...
Note: If you are a parent or counselor, you can also register online to see all the information and questions at the commonapp.org website. This allows you to check out all the information without actually being a student applying to colleges using the Common App. ...
点击“Add to My Colleges”添加到Dashboard,最多可以添加20所学校。 (2)在My Colleges查看所选学校,确认Application Deadline等重要信息 3. 填写主表格 我们点击上方的“Common App”即可进入主表格的填写。 主表格分为七个模块,分别是...
首先到 My Colleges -> Submission Common App -> Print Preview Your Application 就可以看到你这所大学所有申请资料的PDF预览。 3. Save a pdf copy of your application and email it to your adviser for a final check. 将PDF预览版保存后用邮件发送给你的Advisor做最后一遍检查。
The Common Application is a free application platform accepted by more than 1,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. Over the years, the Common App has evolved from a single form students could use to apply to several colleges into a large college application hub. Students no...
I have used the common app to apply to many colleges. One in particular I had to pay $50 to apply. After waiting a day or so I contacted the college to make sure they got the application and they said that they do not use common app applications anymore and to contact them for a ...
Over one million high school students use the Common App each year to apply to colleges. The Common Application website can seem confusing at first, but we're here to simplify things. Looking for Common App instructions?Want to learn how to add colleges to Common App profiles? Just want to...