'Free Books for Kindle Fire, Free Books for Kindle Fire HD' takes all the pain out of the process of finding the best new free kindle books. Plus it's FREE! “This app was not created or endorsed by Amazon.” 新内容 2014年6月27日 ...
我一直用的第一代kindle fire,倒是从来没有发现这个功能 • 阅读:选择文字后可以对其进行不同颜色的高亮,复制,加笔记,查字典。我用的是美版Kindle,阅读选中文字后提示可以下载google的免费英英字典、中英字典,可以查词在wikipedia里的解释,还可以Google Translate,跳转页面、书签什么的都很方便 • 上传书籍:Kindle...
Explore top free Books apps for your iPhone on the App Store, like Wattpad - Read & Write Stories, Bible Offline - KJV Holy Bible and more.
Turn your Mac into a Kindle with the free Kindle app, and carry all your eBooks with you, wherever you go. eBooks (including those with narration) that you ha…
To sign in to the Amazon store from your Kindle Fire to purchase apps and media, you must first register your Kindle device to your Amazon account. Once your device is registered, you can install Android apps from the Amazon Appstore directly to your dev
Only 'book deals' are included. There are no free books included. Please Note: Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Store are all Amazon trademarks. 'Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle Fire' brings you the best kindle book deals - every day! Get it Now, for Free! 更多 ...
Download the Safe Search App foriPhone/iPad – iOS devices. Download the Safe Search App forGoogle Play – Android devices. Download the Safe Search App forKindle Fire / Amazon. In addition to filtered search results of the entire internet using Google, the same search tools we feature on ou...
The free Kindle app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or the Samsung Galaxy store, and comes pre-installed on your Fire tablet. You don’t need to do a lot to get started. Just go toAmazon’s download pageon your device and select the corresponding link ...
While not as old as Google Play Store or SlideME, the Amazon Appstore is one of their most successful competitors. With the introduction of Kindle Fire, the Fire Phone and a range of Android devices running Fire OS, there is a growing market for apps sold through Amazon. ...
ABC News' Android app is now available in Amazon's App Store, and more specifically, for the Kindle Fire. The free app has been tailored for the Fire's 7-inch display. The ABC News Android app has been available in Google's Play Store, making it available for most other Android tablet...