在Mac App Store 上瞭解《年度 iPad App:GoodNotes 5》。下載「Goodnotes 6」並在 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上盡享豐富功能。
Using GoodNotes 5? (Your notes are safe!) Your notes are safe and you’ll continue to be able to take notes in GoodNotes 5 at no additional cost. If you want to try Goodnotes 6, upgrade in-app and you’ll get exclusive savings of up to 100% off your first year. ...
WithGoodNotes 5,note-taking doesn’t have to be boring. Create custom notebooks where you can type (or handwrite) brainstorms, highlight documents and PDFs, and create interactive presentations. What we love:GoodNotesgives you total creative freedom. Customize your paper type (everything from sc...
goodnotes 4一打开,用户看到的是左中右三组工具,每组3-5个。这和大多数同类软件都不一样,曾经是我...
1.GoodNotes 5:这是一款强大的手写笔记和学习应用,适用于学生和教师等用户群体。GoodNotes 5提供了多种...
* GoodNotes 5是一款原价50元让iOS变身智能数字纸张管理系统和强大文稿管理系统的效率应用,在AppStore中经常被评为精选应用。应用网上使用教程比较多,喜欢的可以去搜搜。 * Notability是一款原价60元功能强大而简单易用的笔记及 PDF 注释工具,曾经荣获 iPad、iPhone 和 Mac 的 Apple「编」爱新 App...
GoodNotes 5 for Mac is now available on the Mac App Store Important update: This article has been updated in April 2020 to reflect that GoodNotes is now a universal purchase for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. October 8, 2019 ‧ 3 min read ...
GoodNotes 5 将iPad 变成智能数码纸。在数字笔记本中,或者在导入的pdf、PowerPoint 和 Word 文稿,或者在图片和照片上添加手写注释。您可以对所有笔记进行搜索,并且再也不必担心丢失笔记或将其放错地方。GoodNotes 是全球收入最高的 iPad 应用之一,在 App Store 中经常被评为精选应用,是 iPad 的必选应用。
如果你是以优惠价购入的,则只需补齐 50 元即可以优惠价升级。 如果你对 GoodNotes 5 感兴趣,可以在App Store以 50 元购买到它。GoodNotes 5 仅支持 iOS 12 以上的系统。 > 下载少数派客户端、关注少数派公众号,了解更多有趣的应用 🚀 > 特惠、好用的硬件产品,尽在少数派 Pi Store 商店🛒...
Important update: This article has been updated in April 2020 to reflect that GoodNotes is now a universal purchase for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. We’re happy to announce the release of GoodNotes 5 for Mac. It allows you to view, edit, and organize your GoodNotes documents right on the ...