在您的 ASE 子網路中使用 Azure SQL 和 Azure 儲存體啟用服務端點。 完成此步驟後,您可以使用強制通道設定您的 VNet。 如需關於使用範本部署 ASE 的詳細資訊,請參閱使用範本建立 App Service 環境。 服務端點可讓您將多租用戶服務的存取權限制於一組 Azure 虛擬網路和子網路。 您可以在虛擬網路服務端點文件...
Azure App Service Environment (ASE) 是將 Azure App Service 部署到客戶 Azure 虛擬網路 (VNet) 中子網路的一種部署。 有二種方法可以部署 App Service Environment (ASE):使用外部對外公開的 IP 位址上的 VIP,通常稱為「外部 ASE」。 使用內部 IP 位址上的 VIP,通常稱為 ILB ASE,因為內部端點是內部負載...
建立App Service 虛擬網路整合的子網路。 Azure CLI 複製 開啟Cloud Shell az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $groupName --vnet-name $vnetName --name vnet-integration-subnet --address-prefixes --delegations Microsoft.Web/serverfarms --disable-private-en...
AppVNetAddons CustomPersistentDiskResource UserAssignedManagedIdentities UserAssignedManagedIdentity 更新: AppResourceProperties:添加了属性“customPersistentDisks” AppResourceProperties:添加了属性“vnetAddons” ManagedIdentityProperties:添加了属性“userAssignedIdentities” ...
Function App: Need to be Elastic Premium plan to support Vnet integration\n Storage Account: Need to be StorageV2 (general purpose v2) or higher to support Private Endpoint\n Vnet: Needs to have two subnets, one is for function app, the other is for Private...
I had a working instance created through the Azure Portal and another created via a Bicep template where the ServiceUnavailable error would happen. I've used the following commands to get the settings for each instance: az resource show -g "RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --resource-type "Microsoft.Web...
Function App: Need to be Elastic Premium plan to support Vnet integration Storage Account: Need to be StorageV2 (general purpose v2) or higher to support Private Endpoint Vnet: Needs to have two subnets, one is for function app, the other is for Private Endpoint for stor...
Microservices integration - APIM + Container Apps + AppService + FunctionsThis sample leverages the Reddog codebase and the Reddog Container Apps bicep modules. It was created to help users deploy a comprehensive, microservice-based sample application to Azure Container Apps, Azure App Service, Azur...
az webapp vnet-integration add--resource-group$groupName--name<frontend-app-name>--vnet$vnetName--subnetvnet-integration-subnet 虚拟网络集成允许出站流量直接流入虚拟网络。 默认情况下,只会将RFC-1918中定义的本地 IP 流量路由到虚拟网络,这正是专用终结点所需要的。 若要将所有流量路由到虚拟网络,请参阅...
Important: Unless your scenario only involves small projects or demos, it's highly recommended to create your server with private access, which helps secure access to your server via VNet integration. Prepare your appby making the following changes to your app code: ...