Change your app recommendation settings in Windows To help protect your PC and keep it running smoothly, Microsoft recommends only installing apps from the Microsoft Store. You can choose where you can get apps from and if you want to see app recommendations when you try to install...
Recommendations are also useful when more than one app has registered to handle a URI scheme. By recommending a specific app, Windows will open that app if it is already installed. To make a recommendation, call theWindows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(Uri, LauncherOptions)method withLauncherOption...
When I click change the app recommendation settings it takes me to the setting that shows my installed apps. I need help disabling this feature so I can download this app Tags: HP Laptop PC 15-dy2000 (2D115AV) View All (1) Category: Windows 11 ...
PushSettings QueryUtterancesResult QueryUtterancesResults QueueScaleRule RampUpRule Recommendation RecommendationCollection RecommendationRule Recommendations RecommendationsDisableAllForHostingEnvironmentOptionalParams RecommendationsDisableAllForWebAppOptionalParams RecommendationsDisableRecommendationForHo...
You can't use installed apps that havenoninteractivesign-in flows, such as the Authenticator app and other built-in apps, with access controls. Our recommendation in that case is to craft an access policy in the Microsoft Entra admin center in addition to Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps acce...
Manage customer assets When the mobile device has internet connection, users can view and interact with functional locations and customer asset hierarchies. Sometimes, it's handy to scan a barcode to find records that have a matching barcode field, especially in the context of a...
\n My recommendation here is to use xpath to its full extent: look into functions such as contains(), last(), first(), sibling(), etc. … find how to go up or down levels on the xpath tree to navigate to the element you need out of another one. You can also use WinAppDriver ...
\n Click toGrant admin consent for <your tenant>and then clickYes. The status for each permission the app needs should change to a green checkmark, indicating consent was granted. \n \n On the left, clickCertificates & secrets. \n ...
Even if you abide by the recommendation by Microsoft to leave the out-of-the box site definitions alone, there are still more reasons to avoid custom site definitions. For highly customized deployments, site definitions can become huge and unwieldy to manage. A complete site definition can contai...
The recommendation system which uses algorithms and human music experts is brilliant at picking out what to listen to and responding to my feedback. And all of my iTunes music, which hasn't gotten any attention since I switched to streaming services years ago, is available to me again. On...