Note that this will disable graphical way of opening Stretchly Preferences. To access Preferences, you will have to use command line options (ie:stretchly preferenceson Linux). Show tray menu in Strict Mode If you want to show tray menu even while in Strict mode, setshowTrayMenuInStrictModeto...
Sometimes, updating and manually opening the authentication app on your device before signing in to Power Apps mobile can fix the problem. If this doesn't fix the issue, then follow the next steps depending on your device manufacturer and authentication app....
Screen Status Awareness Wi-Fi Status Awareness Dark Mode Awareness App Status Awareness Data Donation Event Data Donation Sharing Intent Data Obtaining a Service Open ID Pre-release Check App Release SDK Compliance Guide HMS Core Awareness SDK Personal Data Processing Information Resu...
Opening Web Company Portal applicationsFor Web Company Portal applications, if the end user has the Company Portal application installed, the end users will see a dialog box asking how they want to open the application when opening outside of the browser. If the app is not in the path of ...
Using Electron Capture should still be relatively safe if using it only on trusted domains, not opening unknown links with it, and not using it as a general browser for surfing the greater web with. Please understand the security implications of using the Electron Capture app, as although it'...
Extension to check, if device is in idle/sleep mode (screen off) by BodyMindPower Remove app from recent apps Extension by BodyMindPower Extension to get Device Metrics, Display Metrics, Resolution, Density, Font scaling by BodyMindPower Extension to add MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission into the...
On the account settings page, the status label contained the URL of the server. This URL was not accessible with keyboard navigation or when a screen-reader was used. Now there is an "Open in Web Browser" action in the pop-up menu of the "Manage Account" button (which is next to the...
Web Page Opening Notification Network Access Fetch Upload and Download websocket Upload Task Download Task Request Task Files and Data Data Storage File Storage Data Exchange System Capabilities Vibration QR Code Sensor Clipboard Location Calendar Event Home Screen Icon Scre...
Execute Actions without opening the app: For Android 4.1(JellyBean) and above! Actions are listed in the push notification for the alert to easily execute. Pressing Ack acknowledges the alert, Close closes the alert, and Mute pauses receiving notifications from the mobile app, email, voice, and...
从全屏退出来后,后置摄像头被激活。 脸书频现网络安全隐患似乎已经算不上是大新闻了,不过最近网友爆料的有关摄像头的bug还是让不少人担心起来。 图via VCG Recently, several Facebook users noticed the app is opening the camera while they're scrolling through their feeds. Many of them took to platforms...