#extras key: the icon to be displayed as a verification status of the caller on a android.app.Notification.CallStyle notification.
一、APP Icon图标尺寸 1.1 这是正常的方形图标尺寸: App Icon加入后,就需要相应在AndoridManifest.xml中加入,如下所示: <manifestxmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"package="..."><applicationandroid:name=".TestApplication"...android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"...>...</manif...
Includes schema information and supported messages for the Notification (appnotification) table/entity with Microsoft Dataverse.
SetIcon(Uri) Sets the icon for an AppNotificationButton. SetInputId(String) Sets the input ID for an AppNotificationButton. SetInvokeUri(Uri, String) Sets the URI that is launched when the app notification button is clicked, with a provided Package Family Name (PFN) ...
SmallIcon Sortkey 소리 ThresholdClass ThresholdType TickerText TickerView TimeoutAfter 진동 가시 거리 When 메서드 Notification.Action Notification.Action.Builder Notification.Action.IExtender Notification.Action.InterfaceConsts Notification.Action.WearableExtender Notification.BigPictureStyle No...
本地推送是由iOS下的NotificationManage进行统一管理的,将封装好的本地Notification对象加入到系统的Notification管理中,不需要服务器支持(无需联网)就能发出的推送通知。 创建本地推送并设置相关属性 UILocalNotification *localNote = [[UILocalNotification alloc]init]; ...
11. Customizing a Notification Icon HUAWEI Push Kit provides two methods for setting notification message icons: Method 1: Set the icon field in the Sending Messages API provided by the HUAWEI Push Kit server. Method 2: Add meta-data to the AndroidManifest.xml file. Here, we describe method...
realme UI 1.0 & above versions:Long press the app icon > App info > Manage notifications > Enable Allow notifications on Lock screen > DisableHide notification details on the Lock screen. realme UI R & Go & T & S Edition:Long press the app icon > App info >Notifications >EnableAllowWhat...
createAppdoproduce(username:'3***5@qq.com',app_identifier:'com.showu.FastLaneDemo2',app_name:'FastLaneDemo2018',language:'English',#如果只在AppleDeveloper创建app,不在iTunesConnect创建app的话#skip_itc: true,app_version:'1.0',enable_services:{app_group:"on",push_notification:"on",})end ...
clearEpisodeNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber = -1; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification: clearEpisodeNotification]; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在程序退到后台后,添加该通知。 关键的地方在于 applicationIconBadgeNumber 是 -1。