Solution 1: Update Windows and Photos App If the problem of the Windows 10 Photos App not working is system-related, or the Photos App conflicts with the system, it's a good choice for you to update your Windows operating system and Photos App on your PC to get the issue fixed. How ...
hi, Updated to win 10 2004, and trying to open a link but Windows 10 keep using this app is not working, it just keeps prompting and does not open the...
You could try using the Windows Update Troubleshooting tool to fix any updates that have not come through for Windows 10. Please restart the Notebook twice to make sure all update have been completed! Here is a document that shows how to update drivers that are not working ...
1.Is it working if you use Chrome? 2.Please try to change the registry values for Internet Explorer: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer] Modify the value date "9.11.10240.16384" to "9.11.10240.0" Microsoft Money not running in Windows 10:https://answers.micro...
Hi Bill, App Locker is only used for Windows Enterprise and Education, and the function is reduced in Windows 10 Professional. (See your capture high light part.) If you want to restrict some one to execute special application, we could navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates...
Those who successfully able to run Task Reminder app, let me know, I tried multiple Task reminder apps like 1) Todoist 2) 3) Task reminder with alarm 4) TickTick I tried battery optimization to OFF (disabled) for each and set timer. Example: Set 3pm IST alarm (reminder) - if...
Docking station external monitors not working in Windows 10 version 1703 Error when DDA-capable app is against GPU Fonts may not all get scaled properly List All Modes displays incomplete list of modes Mouse input in games is incorrectly scaled ...
Windows 10 introduced the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which provides a common app platform on every device that runs Windows. The UWP core APIs are the same on all Windows devices. If your app only uses the core APIs, it will run on any Windows device no matter whether you are tar...
Windows 10 introduced the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which provides a common app platform on every device that runs Windows. The UWP core APIs are the same on all Windows devices. If your app only uses the core APIs, it will run on any Windows device no matter whether you are tar...