在iOS 15 和 iPadOS 15 或更高版本中,你可以为受支持的 App 打开“重要警告”;这样一来,即使你已将 iPhone 静音或设置了专注模式,也会收到通知。 确保以你期望的方式收到通知 如果你没有以自己希望的方式收到通知,可能是你打开或关闭了特定的通知设置。
在某些国家或地区,你可以在“政府警报”列表中打开警报。例如,在美国,iPhone 可以接收国家警报,并且你可以打开或关闭(默认为打开)“安珀警报”、“公共安全警报”和“紧急警报”(其中包括严重紧迫威胁警报和极端紧迫威胁警报)。在日本,iPhone 可以接收来自日本气象厅的紧急地震警报。
Gmail app notifications not showing on iPhone 16 Pro Max I am having difficulty with notifications for the gmail app on my new iPhone 16 pro max. The odd thing is one of my email addresses shows notifications and the other does not, it is specifically one email address that is having th...
WhatsApp notifications sometimes not showing in Notification Centre Sometimes whatsapp notifications doesn’t appear in Notification Centre, no sound or alerts come up just the badge count is there on the home screen. I have tried reinstalling the app. iPhone 15, iOS 18 Posted on Oct 13, 2...
WWDC21 是历年来 In App Purchase(IAP,内购内购买)最大的变化,分别推出了 StoreKit 2、App Store Server API、App Store Server Notifications V2 三大特性,去年我们也编写了 《苹果iOS内购三步曲:App内退款、历史订单查询、绑定用户防掉单!--- WWDC21》 文章,所以我们本文不会再深入提及去年的更新,大家如果不...
Cannot receive App Notifications in iphone 14 using Cisco WAP121 spiroupap Level 1 07-23-2024 12:16 PM Hello everybody, My name is Spyros and i am working in Marine industry. On board the ships we have Cisco WAP121 WIFI Access Points. In every ship i fa...
在iPhone 上更改信息通知 你可以更改是否在收到信息时接收通知,以及更改通知的显示方式或声音。例如,你可以关闭信息通知以在课堂或其他安静环境中不受通知声音打扰,还可为某些联系人分配特殊声音以得知其发来了信息。 暂停所有通知 你可以打开勿扰模式(或其他专注模式)或者某个睡眠定时来暂时停止所有 App 的通知。你...
Stay up to date! Through push notifications, IN2 keeps you well informed. Have an upcoming class today? A package that will soon expire? An invitation to a game? IN2 will make sure to keep you in the know! They say “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Well the same is true ...
Today, we are going to give you a few tips and tricks that you can try out on your iPhone to address the issue you are currently experiencing. Let’s get started! 1. Restart WhatsApp. The first thing that you should try to fix the issue with WhatsApp push notifications not working is...
iPhone 螢幕截圖 描述 Mnet Plus, a global K-POP content platform tailored for K-POP fans worldwide! Enjoy music, performances, photos, voting, and exclusive content for K-POP fans all in one place. Only on Mnet Plus + Official Mnet broadcast voting: create your own star ...