If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are ...
action:'baidumap://'});varhasAmap = plus.runtime.isApplicationExist({pname:'com.autonavi.minimap',action:'androidamap://'});varurlBaiduMap ="baidumap://map/marker?
下行文件消息 fileName 为空字符串导致的错误。 群属性接口调用时序引起的问题。 uni-app 打包到百度小程序等平台,遇到的 __wxConfig is not defined 问题。 2.16.0 @2022.1.5 新增 setMessageRemindType,支持设置 C2C 会话消息免打扰。 setAllMessageRead,支持一键清空所有会话未读。 sendMessage,支持发送不计入...
console.log(`${} : ${error.message}`); }); // 2. 结束录制 recorder.stop(); // 3. 计算录音时长,获取 WAV 数据 let duration = - startTs; // 单位:ms let wavBlob = recorder.getWAVBlob(); // 4. blob 数据转成 File 对象 let audioFile = ...
name: 'isReconnect', value: true }); }); },设备控制 在完成设备连接之后,就可以进行设备控制操作。设备控制通过给设备发送控制命令,以进行设备数据通信,解析数据,获取信息,完成设备控制。 发送控制指令。 调用sendCommand接口,发送deviceID和MAC,以及需要控制的sid和data。sid取值在profile中查找...
http.get('/user/login',{params:{userName:'name',password:'123456'}}).then(res=>{}).catch(err=>{})// 局部修改配置,局部配置优先级高于全局配置http.get('/user/login',{params:{userName:'name',password:'123456'},/* 会加在url上 */header:{},/* 会与全局header合并,如有同名属性,局部覆...
Checking the network I can see that the /broadcasting/auth request is failing do to Call to undefined method App\Models\User::name().I'm using the Eloquent Driver for the users and here's my configs:// app/Models/User.php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\...
AiDex Sharp快速开发平台:基于若依-ruoyi-vue项目扩展,前端采用Ant-Design-VUE,代码易读易懂、界面简洁美观,不仅仅是一个后台开发框架,它是一个企业级快速开发解决方案,我们将把UI交互、快速开发能力追求到极致,适配国产数据库,国产中间件,将支持多租户、flowable
Service to Application Router SERVICE_2_APPROUTER If true, when the SAP Passport header is received from the application router, it will be transferred without modification to the backend application. Client certificate header name CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_HEADER_NAME When set application router will use thi...