for easy identification by recipients, you are suggested to complete following three steps: i Fill in the blanks in following statement, including insert your software name, the year of the first publication of your
name: 'isReconnect', value: true }); }); },设备控制 在完成设备连接之后,就可以进行设备控制操作。设备控制通过给设备发送控制命令,以进行设备数据通信,解析数据,获取信息,完成设备控制。 发送控制指令。 调用sendCommand接口,发送deviceID和MAC,以及需要控制的sid和data。sid取值在profile中查找...
When a network error occurs while fetching a resource (e.g. a space image), no icon is available, and a crash would occur. This is fixed by returning an empty icon. Change - Revert local folder name back to pre 3.0 behavior:#6390 Due to...
DOCTYPE html>Mystery Dungeon/* 0 margin so the canvas doesn't bleed over! */ html, body { margin: 0; } src/browser.js: importMyGamefrom'./lib/game';newMyGame();//# ./lib/gameis just a game written with Phaser. The Problem I always get this...
Service to Application Router SERVICE_2_APPROUTER If true, when the SAP Passport header is received from the application router, it will be transferred without modification to the backend application. Client certificate header name CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_HEADER_NAME When set application router will use thi...
git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议 配置并使用私人令牌 替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for '': userName Password for '
{"adminConsentDescription":"Allow the app to access resources on behalf of the signed-in user.","adminConsentDisplayName":"Access resource1","id":"<guid>","isEnabled":true,"type":"User","userConsentDescription":"Allow the app to access resource1 on your behalf.","userConsentDisplayName...
An example is getApp().$data.appName;. Event Methods Attribute Type Parameter Description $on function type: event name, string handler: event handler, function Adds an event handler. The method is in the format this.$on('xxxx', this.fn), where fn is a function defined in script. $...
}elseif('iOS') { plus.runtime.launchApplication({action:'taobao://'},function(e) {console.log('Open system default browser failed: '+ e.message); }); } } } }; 常用URLscheme [// 只在 ios 中生效{ name:'AppStore...