WinAPPLockPC应用锁 v1.0.1系统其他 软件等级: 软件大小:83.66KB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:系统软件/系统其他 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-08-08 19:34:01 运行环境:WinAll, WinXP, Win7, win10 厂商: 关键字:程序锁定工具下载
Enjoy superb experience of using AppLock : Lock app & Pin lock on PC with MEMU App Player. It's a powerful free Android emulator which provides you with thousands of android apps for their desktop version. Enjoy connecting with friends and polishing your
Enjoy superb experience of using App Lock - Lock & Unlock Apps on PC with MEMU App Player. It's a powerful free Android emulator which provides you with thousands of android apps for their desktop version. Enjoy connecting with friends and polishing your
软件介绍 WinAPPLock 是一款PC端的应用锁工具。微信、QQ的聊天记录里经常会涉及到很多不愿意被他人看到的私密内容话题,特别是在一些公司的公用电脑上登录个人账号,就特别容易造成隐私安全问题,但有的时候呢,我们又可能需要临时离开一下电脑,除了退出微信,最安全的做法
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A single user or small group of users needs to use a specific app that is denied for all others. Some people in your organization who require different software share a computer, and you need to protect specific apps. In addition to other measures, you need to control the access to sensit...
PassportForWork Personal Data Encryption Personalization PrinterProvisioning Provisioning PXLOGICAL Reboot RemoteFind RemoteWipe Reporting RootCATrustedCertificates SecureAssessment SecurityPolicy SharedPC Storage SUPL SurfaceHub TenantLockdown TPMPolicy UEFI UnifiedWriteFilter UniversalPrint Update VPN VPNv2 w4 APPLIC...
Volume Key pattern.To lock application, tap on Oops AppLock电脑版截图 PreviousNext 1 2 3 4Oops AppLock电脑版类似推荐 转易侠扫描王电脑版 云脉文档识别电脑版 全能扫描王电脑版 迅捷文字识别电脑版 灵鹿文字识别电脑版 白描app电脑版 扫描王app电脑版 扫描全能王电脑版 OCR文字识别app电脑版 图片文字识别OCR...
By default, Citrix Workspace updates are disabled on the VDA. This includes RDS multi-user server machines, VDI, and Remote PC Access machines. Citrix Workspace updates are disabled on machines where Desktop Lock is installed. Workspace for web users can’t download the StoreFront policy automatic...