Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; Windows.Storage.StorageFolder localFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; Creare e recuperare una semplice impostazione localePer...
Notifications d’applications Envoyez des notifications d’application à votre application localement. Déploiement Déployer le SDK d’application Windows avec votre application empaquetée et non empaquetéeCanaux de versions du SDK d’application WindowsLe...
Le API RemoteDesktop consentono alle applicazioni di passare da un desktop remoto a quello locale. Windows SDK per Windows 11, versione 22H2 Aggiornamento di manutenzione 10.0.22621.755. Include il supporto arm64 per la versione di VS 17.4 ...
Enter/lib/src/consts/locale_consts.dart, add a new k-v pair in propertylocaleCode2Description:{your_languageCode}_{your_countryCode} : {languageDescription}to describe your language. Bug Operations related to the clipboard may not work properly on Samsung devices due to a bug in Flutter itsel...
Next, select –Change system locale. Choose your current locale and then click –OK. Way-13: Update the graphics driver Drivers are the major components to maintain a stream communication between the hardware devices and the software running them. They are also dedicated to manage the data flow...
PS C:\Users\<user>\source\repos\hello_flutter> flutter doctor -v [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.2, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.527], locale en-US) • Flutter version 2.10.2 at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Flutter • Upstream repository
IoT System AdministrationThesystemManagementcapability allows apps to have basic system administration privileges such as shutting down or rebooting, locale, and timezone. This capability is required to access some of the APIs in theWindows.Systemnamespace. ...
L'app Store potrebbe non essere disponibile se hai eseguito l'accesso con un account locale e se non vedi l'app Microsoft Store sulla barra delle applicazioni, è possibile che sia stata rimossa. Apri Microsoft Store Windows 11Windows 10Xbox ...
Used Japanese locale once, yen symbol persists in filepath User Administrator account UI performance slow user created schedule tasks disappearing user folder name does not match my microsoft account name User policy could not be updated successfully. User profile migration - Copy local user account ...