While Microsoft’s intentions may be good, the Microsoft Store is not a reliable source for applications. For starters, even though the platform boasts a sizable app library, it’s doubtful you’ll find everything you’re looking for since only some developers publish programs on it. Also, t...
Describe the bug Build of app on Windows 11 succeeds but app exits immediately. I have successfully built and run this app: https://github.com/wildwestrom/tauri-shadow-cljs on WSL for Windows 11. Reproduction On Windows 11: 1 Clone https...
使用1.0 Preview 3 的 C#项目必须使用以下.NET SDK:如果你使用 Visual Studio 2019 的 16.11 版,则使用.NET 5 SDK 5.0.400 或更高版本。 如果你想对DispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue方法进行 co_await,请使用Windows Implementation Library (WIL)中的resume_foreground辅助函数: 1 添加对Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationL...
根据Windows Insider Dypsis 的说法,该错误是由任务调度程序中的 PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务触发的,删除该任务就能修复该错误。 PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务可在以下路径中找到: TaskSchedulerLibrary\Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationExperience 至于为何会出现这个任务目前没有定论,有人认为是 PowerToys,不过有用户反馈在没有...
根据 Windows Insider Dypsis 的说法,该错误是由任务调度程序中的 PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务触发的,删除该任务就能修复该错误。PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务可在以下路径中找到:Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience 至于为何会出现这个任务目前没有定论,有人认为是 PowerToys,不过有用户反馈...
It's also important that both Insider and Public users update the Microsoft Store so as to install APK apps on Windows 11. Here is how to do so: Step 1.Open the Microsoft Store, click "Library," and click "Get updates". Step 2.Click the Profile menu, select "App settings", then ...
UPDATED 11/11/2014: This issue has been resolved in the latest Office packages that were released in...Date: 09/23/2014Updates to the App-V 5.0 documentation libraryHi everyone, just a quick FYI that the Microsoft Application Virtualization 5.0 (App-V 5.0) topics......
DispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue (ディスパッチャー キュー スレッドで実行を再開するため) の代わりの手段は、Windows Implementation Library (WIL) のresume_foreground ヘルパー関数を使用することです。 プロジェクトに Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary NuGet パッケージへの参照を追加します。 #inc...
根据Windows Insider Dypsis 的说法,该错误是由任务调度程序中的 PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务触发的,删除该任务就能修复该错误。 PcaWallpaperAppDetect 任务可在以下路径中找到: TaskSchedulerLibrary\Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationExperience 至于为何会出现这个任务目前没有定论,有人认为是 PowerToys,不过有用户反馈在没有...
Microsoft Store is the go-to place for Windows users if they want to install an app. The app library is slowly expanding, and you will find all the popular apps without any difficulty. But sometimes the Microsoft Store application behaves abnormally and requires troubleshooting. But what if it...