【应用名称】:Win 11 Launcher 【应用包名】:com.real.launcher.wp.ten 【应用版本】:8.90 【应用...
例如,如果你将文本编辑器从记事本切换到写字板,并希望恢复更改,你可以键入.TXT,然后单击结果,并选择记事本。 三、在Windows 10和Windows 11上更改默认应用程序之间的区别 这是Windows 11中情况变得更糟的地方。Windows 10用户可能会注意到此屏幕上的差异。操作系统有一个名为Default Apps的部分,其中列出了关键应用程...
The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11. windowswallpaperwebtoolstoolbarfinderdesktop-applicationdocktaskbartiling-window-managermultilanguagetopbartauriweb-technologiesapp-launcherwindows-11tauri-app UpdatedFeb 6, 2025 Rust onagre-launcher/onagre ...
win10桌面主题去广告版Launcher for Win 10v8.24 最新版 2022-02-119.7M Android主题美化 推荐理由:win10桌面主题去广告版是一款非常给力的手机桌面美化软件。这款软件开启了之后就能够将你的手机进行win10桌面的美化,你会发现你的整个系统都会变成win10的系统风格,看看在手机上进行win10系统的操作吧!超好用的美 ...
如果你是 Dev 频道的 Windows Insider,你需要重置电脑以获得 Windows 11 的 Beta 测试版。安卓子系统将在以后发展过程中出现面向 Dev 推出。(目前已支持手动绕过安装安卓 App,更新中...) 第二步:安装亚马逊应用商店 一旦你确认符合微软的要求,你就可以在 Windows 11 中安装亚马逊应用商店。要做到这一点,在 ...
RocketDock is our classic app launcher loved by millions of people for almost 20 years. It lets you zoom through your shortcuts like a rocket with its buttery smooth interface. You can drag your favorite apps, files, and folders onto the dock to have quick access to them, then personalize...
Nova Launcher is one of the best launchers for Android. You download the app from the Play Store, then in principle all your Android device takes over and the default launcher of Google takes over. The advantage of this launcher, which allows you, in principle, a kind of shell on Android...
New Launcher UI UI Redesign: A Fresh, Windows 11-Inspired Look Enjoy a more intuitive interface that harmonizes with the modern desktop experience, enhancing your workflow with a touch of elegance.
CodySafe: Application Launcher & Powerful Companion For Your Portable Apps [Windows] Portable App In the last several years, portable apps have really gained huge popularity among Windows users. But if you have a huge collection of portable applications on your thumb drive, you will know that...