在Android中,"app is in background" 指的是应用程序当前不在前台显示,即用户没有直接与应用程序交互,或者应用程序的某个活动(Activity)没有被置于任务栈的顶部。这种情况下,Android系统可能会对应用程序的某些操作施加限制,以减少资源消耗和提高用户体验。 3. 解释“uid null”的可能含义 "uid null" 在这个上下文...
adb shell am start-foreground-service -n com.demo.screenrecorder/com.demo.screenrecorder.RecordService 使用这个start-foreground-service来替换startservice可以解决这个问题。特此记录。 PS:Android O 推出出了Background Execution Limits,减少后台应用内存使用及耗电,一个很明显的应用就是不准后台应用通过startServic...
在本地调试app中的一个service时,使用adb shell am startservice弹出报错 错误信息如下:app is in background uid null,如图:查了一些帖子发现提供的2018年左右的解决方案为:Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment->Instant Run 关掉 Enable Instant Run to hot swap code/ 尝试失效。后续找到...
firebase Not allowed to start service Intent app is in background uid UidRecord java.lang.RuntimeException:Unableto start receiver com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver:java.lang.IllegalStateException:Notallowed to start service Intent{act=com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENTpkg=com.games37....
2. 并且在service里再调用startForeground方法,不然就会出现ANR context.startForeground(SERVICE_ID, builder.getNotification()); https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46445265/android-8-0-java-lang-illegalstateexception-not-allowed-to-start-service-inten app is in background uid UidRecord问题原因分析...
with that uid are then no longer allowed to run in the background. This means, until the app next goes in the foreground: - No manifest broadcast receivers in the app will execute. - No services can be started (binding services is still okay, ...
, "app is in background uid " + uidRec); } } ... } frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java int getAppStartModeLocked(int uid, String packageName, int packageTargetSdk, int callingPid, boolean alwaysRestrict, boolean disabledOnly, boolean forced...
Some of these rules are also included in Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps. 1.1 Objectionable Content Apps should not include content that is offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust, in exceptionally poor taste, or just plain creepy. Examples of such content include: 1.1.1 ...
When we open another ios app using bundleUrlScheme and if app is opened in background then how to avoid waking up the app from background? Is it possible to terminate app first from background process and then open the app using URL? As per current documentation and behaviour if app is...
The app is in background (in status bar, but no call to the callback function, even after the app is open) With phone open and sleeping/locked Butthe notifications are never received if the application is completely closed(slide up the app in the list of opened apps, or restart phone)...