depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the Android APIs. :app is currently compiled against android-31. Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdk of at least 33, for example 33. Note that updating a library or application's compileSdk (which allows ...
在你的项目的build.gradle(通常是模块级别的,位于app目录下)文件中,确保compileSdkVersion设置为33。 gradle android { compileSdkVersion 33 // 其他配置... } 同步Gradle项目 在Android Studio中,点击“File”(文件)菜单,然后选择“Sync Project with Gradle Files”(与Gradle文件同步项目)。这将确保所有依赖项...
Also, you can check them by going to theApp Bundle Explorerand checking all versions withRelease statusisActivefor matching target sdk In my case, it was paused version1.0.0withtarget sdk 31for internal testing: You need to go to the partition where the active version with target sdk < 33...
// We should migrate to version catalogs as soon as IDE support is available: // ext.androidx_lifecycle_version = '2.4.1' ext.androidx_lifecycle_version = '2.5.1' ext.core_version = '9.1.2' ext.detekt_version = '1.19.0' ext.hilt_ver...
在微信中可以发语音、文字消息、表情、图片、视频等内容。耗费30M流量就可以收发上千条语音消息,不仅省电,还省流量。 7、扫一扫更方便 微信的扫一扫功能支持扫条码、扫二维码、图书封面、CD封面、英文单词等内容,使用更方便!一个应用包含多重功能。 8、内置表情商店 ...
在此版本中,我们调整了 Android Studio 和 Gradle 插件的版本编号方案。此项变更将 Gradle 插件从 ...
//implementation "$appiconloaderVersion" // For using AppIconLoader directly. implementation "$appiconloaderVersion" // For using Launcher3 iconloaderlib directly. implementation "me.z...
.NET for Android API 34 Android Android.Accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService Android.AccessibilityServices Android.Accounts Android.AdServices Android.AdServices.AdIds Android.AdServices.AdSelection Android.AdServices.AppSetIds Android.AdServices.Common
Dependency '' requires libraries and applications that depend on it to compile against version 34 or later of the Android APIs. :app is currently compiled against android-33. 需要将 sdk 从 33 升级到 34: ...