双击桌面桌面「AI2Offline」图标启动软件,启动后依次点击 →「AII AI2Offline Server」 →「DevServer」 →「AI2 Starter」 →「Start Invent」,如下图所示:依次点击1-2-3-4 此时默认浏览器会自动弹出app inventor 界面,或手动在浏览器输入网址 http://localhost:8888 进入,不支持IE浏览器。点击「Click Here ...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 wangsk789 吧主管理权限的说明 2-各位吧友新年快乐!新建了个qq群 82 2311 219,欢 3-小米手机安装失败 4-appinventor的部分作品 5-打包编译失败 6-有没有人知道别踩白块的地雷模式怎么用app写出来啊? 7-APPinventor成品如下 8-不会AppInventor
1. MIT App Inventor Supported Bluetooth Low Energy Extension by MIT App Inventor FaceMesh Extension by MIT App Inventor to estimate face landmarks Look Extension Extension by MIT App Inventor. Adds object recognition using a neural network. Microbit Extension by MIT App Inventor to communicate wit...
Download Size: 8.9 MB Release Date: 9/13/2013 Last Updated: 5/23/2024 Version Info: 5.0.0 Website: http://www.mgfx.co.za Cust. Support: ivtools@mgfx.co.za Compatible with: Autodesk Inventor Version:2025,2024,2023,2022,2021,2020,2019 ...
上次更新时间: 2024/6/25 版本信息: 11.0.5 网站: http://www.mgfx.co.za 客户支持: ivtools@mgfx.co.za 与以下产品兼容: Autodesk Inventor 版本:2025,2024,2023,2022,2021,2020,2019 Autodesk Inventor Professional 版本:2025,2024,2023,2022,2021,2020...
For the MIT App Inventor, the design blocks have new icons that better represent the function of each design component. Some changes were made to the shutdown logic to ensure the robust shutdown of some of our USB services. A change was made to LinearOpMode so as to allow a given instan...
Fixes uploading a very large blocks project to offline blocks editor. Fixes bug that caused blocks for DcMotorEx to be omitted from the blocks editor toolbox. FixesBlocks Programs Stripped of Blocks (due to using TensorFlow Label block)
Inventoria Stock Manager Inventory Manager InventoryPlus Investment Account Manager Individual Invoice9 invoiceit!Pro IObit Apps Toolbar IObit Uninstaller IObit Unlocker IObit.com toolbar ionForge imageDiff iovsoft MP3 Cutter Joiner Iozone IP Blocker Firewall IP Camera Viewer IP Locator IP Messenger for...
AI2Offline:App Inventor,服务器离线,无需互联网连接。-开源 开发技术 - 其它 Tē**мο上传383.23 MB文件格式exe开源软件 App Inventor,服务器离线,无需互联网连接。 生成的 .apk 应用程序没有菜单: - 关于这个应用程序。 - 停止此应用程序。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:5积分...
ai2offline..安装了ai2offline_x64.exe,运行手机伴侣测试没有问题,编译apk时报错:Java.lang.IllegalStateXxception: CompilerContext. Builder need the KeystoreFilePath.求解决方法已解决