不可以,app inventor仅限于android app开发,而且大部分手机都会对这个报毒
Need some help using AppInventor by MIT? Use this great set of tutorials, featuring interactive quiz questions for every tutorial. Featured applications to build: Text to speech Painter Pro Camel Mash Times Tables Bounding Ball All feature a fully working application that can be expanded to make...
Need some help using AppInventor by MIT? Use this great set of tutorials, featuring interactive quiz questions for every tutorial. Featured applications to build: Text to speech Painter Pro Camel Mash Times Tables Bounding Ball All feature a fully working application that can be expanded to make...
Need some help using AppInventor by MIT? Use this great set of tutorials, featuring interactive quiz questions for every tutorial. Featured applications to build: Text to speech Painter Pro Camel Mash Times Tables Bounding Ball All feature a fully working application that can be expanded to make...
Need some help using AppInventor by MIT? Use this great set of tutorials, featuring interactive quiz questions for every tutorial. Featured applications to build: Text to speech Painter Pro Camel Mash Times Tables Bounding Ball All feature a fully working application that can be expanded to make...
This is a mobile application maker that can produce native apps for Windows, iOS, Android, and more and responsive hybrid apps and web apps. One of the great things about this tool is that you do not need to install anything and can begin using the visual editor as soon as possible. Th...
app inventor 能做ios app吗?不可以,app inventor仅限于androidapp开发,而且大部分手机都会对这个报毒...
For more information about iOS support, please see README.ios.md. Running the Server(s) There are two servers in App Inventor, the main server that deals with project information, and the build server that creates apk files. More detailed information can be found in the App Inventor Develope...
For more information about iOS support, please seeREADME.ios.md. Running the Server(s) There are two servers in App Inventor, the main server that deals with project information, and the build server that creates apk files. More detailed information can be found in theApp Inventor Developer ...
MIT App Inventor is an online platform designed to teach computational thinking concepts through development of mobile applications. Students create applications by dragging and dropping components into a design view and using a visual blocks language to program application behavior. In this chapter, we...