在Power BI Desktop 和 Power BI 服务的“获取数据”体验中搜索这些数据集。Search for these datasets in Power BI Desktop and in the get-data experience in the Power BI service. 根据这些数据集创建报表和仪表板。Create reports and dashboards based on these datasets. 清除此选项后,添加到应用的新用户...
In the search box, enter Microsoft sample and select Microsoft sample - Sales & Marketing. Optionally, read through the overview and reviews, and take a look at the images. Then, select Get it now > Install. The Power BI service displays a success message once the app is installed. Select...
To create a template app you can distribute to other Power BI tenants, you need to create it in a workspace.In the Power BI service, create a workspace as described in Create a workspace in Power BI. In the Advanced section, select Develop a template app. Important The capacity that the...
The finished app can be published to large groups of people in your organization. The app user view section of this article outlines the app user's experience in the Power BI service and in the Power BI mobile apps.Here are the steps to publishing an app in Power BI:...
To create a template app you can distribute to other Power BI tenants, you need to create it in a workspace.In the Power BI service, create a workspace as described in Create a workspace in Power BI. In the Advanced section, select Develop a template app. Important The capacity that the...
power bi数据可视化app,一般又称Power BI app。 Microsoft Power BI 应用使您能够随时随地监视和访问业务数据。 轻松地查看您的 Power BI 仪表板、与其进行交互、将其与同事共享,几分钟内就能发现各种见解。 随时获得新信息、深入洞察。 借助Microsoft Power BI 应用,您可以持续对仪表板进行移动访问。
使用Power BI 应用可从任何位置访问数据。获取通知,添加批注并进行共享,使用强大的实时决策功能深入探索数据。亮点:-在一个位置即可查看所有重要数据 -点击即可浏览、筛选和关注重要内容 -轻松添加注释并共享报表和数据可视化效果 -设置数据警报并获得实时通知 -安全访问本地数据 -扫描 QR 码即可在上下文...
Power BI doesn't send any email to internal users when you distribute or update an app.Your app consumers can't modify the contents of the app. They can interact with it either in the Power BI service, or one of the mobile apps: filtering, highlighting, and sorting the data. You can...
如何将POWER BI嵌入到APP里? 在finereport中的话可以通过web页面集成来进行实现,将报表显示下iframe框架内进行集成就可以了, 如果是在powei-bi的话有如下几种方法: 1、android webview控件加载html5; 2、即webview基于webkit内核支持html5; 3、进行做自定义屏幕适应调试和测试!
取得完整的 Power BI 套件,讓您透過 Power BI Desktop、Power BI Web 服務和 Power BI 行動版隨時掌握資訊! 版本紀錄 2025年3月4日 版本33.6 - 已改善穩定性及修正多種 Bug。 評分與評論 4.7滿分 5 粒星 47 個評分 App 私隱 開發者表明Microsoft Corporation的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發...