Amazon API Gateway V2 AWS AppConfig Amazon AppFlow Amazon AppIntegrations Application Auto Scaling AWS App Mesh AWS::AppMesh::GatewayRoute GatewayRouteHostnameMatch GatewayRouteHostnameRewrite GatewayRouteMetadataMatch GatewayRouteRangeMatch GatewayRouteSpec GatewayRouteTarget GatewayRoute...
VirtualGatewayGrpcConnectionPoolPDF An object that represents a type of connection pool.Contents maxRequests Maximum number of inflight requests Envoy can concurrently support across hosts in upstream cluster. Type: Integer Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Required: Yes...
The virtual gateway’s current gateway routes describe simply the path to be matched on an incoming request. Currently, this match criterion is based on the path for HTTP and HTTP2, as well as the service name for gRPC. The enhancements enable you to match requests on the basis of the ho...
The project demonstrates how to develop small microservices for larger applications using containers, orchestration, service discovery, gateway, and best practices. You are always welcome to improve code quality and contribute it, if you have any questions or issues don't hesitate to ask in our ...
version: "3.8" services: app_service: image: your_app_image ports: - "3001:3001" extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" networks: - app_network nginx: image: nginx:latest ports: - "443:443" # Nginx listens on port 443 for HTTPS traffic volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/ng...
Internet gateway NAT gateway Security group IAM role Amazon RDS database X-Ray Amazon CloudWatch App Runner Basic knowledge of containers Step 1: Preparing the Amazon VPC and subnets Follow these steps to create a VPC calledhotel-app-vpcwith subnets to host your database and applications: ...
Speedscale launched Speedscale CLI, a free observability tool that inspects, detects and maps API calls on local applications or containers.
grpc-ecosystem/awesome-grpc grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway grpc/grpc-dotnet grpc/grpc-go grpc/grpc-java grpc/grpc-node grpc/grpc-web grpc/grpc grsmto/simplebar gruns/furl gruns/immortaldb gruntjs/grunt-cli gruntjs/grunt-contrib-clean gruntjs/grunt-contrib-coffee ...
static async Task Main() { var builder = new HostBuilder(); builder.ConfigureWebJobs(b => { b.AddAzureStorageCoreServices(); b.AddCosmosDB(a => { a.ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Gateway; a.Protocol = Protocol.Https; a.LeaseOptions.LeasePrefix = "prefix1"; }); }); var host = bu...