Enter each word from your spelling list one by one until you’ve spelled all the words. • Fill in the blank Each of your spelling words has a letter missing. You must fill in the blank for each of your spelling words. • Word Scramble We scrambled all the words in your spelling ...
With Spelling Games, you can monitor your progress over time, providing you with a clear picture of your spelling improvements. The app offers a complete overview of the words you've mastered and the ones you're currently working on, enabling you to concentrate on areas that need more practic...
Spelliful will be you or your child’s weekly spelling buddy. This app is designed to help you or your child learn their words and test better. The process to achieve this is by doing a repetitive activity (or Spellitivity), to get familiarity of the word, then do a practice with no...
3.SpellingBee Word Game for kids 拼写蜜蜂必须熟悉在美国上学的孩子。 许多学校每年举办Spelling Bee比赛,获奖儿童被推到学区参加地区级比赛。 这个软件非常有趣。 适合从幼儿园到六年级的儿童。 他们可以用耳朵听取言语和提示。 4.Noodle Words 另一个获得许多奖项的App! 申请纽约时报年度最佳儿童,或者Parents'Choi...
➤ Go beyond grammar Grammarly’s advanced spelling checker and grammar checker go far beyond the built-in tools of word processors. Grammarly can detect not only misspellings, but also commonly confused words used in the wrong context, like “affect” and “effect.” In addition, it can...
iPad iPhone 简介 Spelling is the ability to arrange letters in the correct order to make words that are communally understood. Spelling is considered one aspect of literacy (reading, writing and spelling). Therefore, this free online, Kids Misspelled Words Game , is really a great way for all...
3.First Words for Kids and Toddlers Free 适龄:3-7岁 这款APP里分了五个种类的单词,包括动物、交通工具、形状颜色,家庭用品和数字,每一个种类里都有不同的难度(免费版各个难度和类别都能玩一关体验一下)。孩子可以通过拖拽字母来拼读单词,了解字母以及字母组合发音,比较好的一点是发音使用的是音标音,而不是...
3.First Words for Kids and Toddlers Free 适龄:3-7岁 这款APP里分了五个种类的单词,包括动物、交通工具、形状颜色,家庭用品和数字,每一个种类里都有不同的难度(免费版各个难度和类别都能玩一关体验一下)。孩子可以通过拖拽字母来拼读单词,了解字母以及字母组合发音,比较好的一点是发音使用的是音标音,而不是...
3、Sight Words Learning Games(视觉词游戏) 米粒妈解析:这用来让孩子熟悉sight words这个特别合适,划分的很细,有6个板块,分别为WORD MECHINDE、SPELLING、BINGO、MEMORY GAME、GAEARS、FLASH CARDS,经过这6个板块的学习,孩子可以很快掌握基本的Sight Words。
这用来让孩子熟悉sight words这个特别合适,划分的很细,有6个板块。 分别为WORD MECHINDE、SPELLING、BINGO、MEMORY GAME、GAEARS、FLASH CARDS。 经过这6个板块的学习,孩子可以很快掌握基本的Sight Words。 适合年龄:3-7岁 推荐理由:6大板块系统学习sight words,后四个板块需要花钱解锁。