screentimeapp(屏幕时间)可以自动统计屏幕的使用时间,可以查看每个应用的显示时间,帮助用户设置限制使用应用,打开专注模式方便控制手机使用时间,快来试试吧! screentime软件介绍 以Digital Well-being应用为起点,使其可用于Lollipop之前的所有Android用户,提供了更深入和增强的见解以及强大的自定义功能。屏幕时间甚至允许您设...
With Screen Time you can manage the time your kids spend on their tablets and smartphones. Parental Control app available for Android, iOS and Amazon Fire.
先前开发跟苹果Screen Time相似功能App的开发者,以公开信方式联名要求苹果开放Screen Time API,方便打造更丰富的服务应用。虽然苹果以维护消费者隐私安全为由,回应纽约时报报导指称打压与「Screen Time 」功能相近app的情况,但显然并不能让开发者获得满意答案,除了透过公开信件驳斥苹果回应说法,更呼吁苹果...
Family Screen Time Settings reset intermittently and automatically on child's device I have set up Family Screen Time for 3 of my children's Apple ID. For 2 of them, Down Time, App Limits, Content & Privacy Restrictions work flawlessly on their phones and iPad. But the 3rd child's Apple...
Screen Time Control for iPhone Must Have Apps SRL 3.8 • 892 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 简介 Unlock your full potential with Screen Time Control, an app designed to help you manage your focus at work, at home, or on vacation. With a user-friendly interface and powerful options for...
为了让更多的人来了解自己使用手机的情况,不再做「低头族」,苹果从 iOS 12 开始增加了屏幕使用时间(Screen Time)功能,它不仅能够统计你手机的使用情况,还可以给单个 App 设定使用时长的上限。很好用,但用的人的确不算多。如果自带的功能无法满足你,不妨试试这款来自谜底科技的《OffScreen》。它不仅能够...
In addition, in daily life and work, even if you use the application for a long time, its moderate matte black will not distract your attention or affect your work efficiency. Its full screen appearance and iPhone/iPad device body are integrated into your living space atmosphere, as if it ...
Apple Screen Time app limits not working I’ve used screen time for my kids to limit time on certain apps. It worked well for years, but now I will set the limits and then they will suddenly disappear after a day or even less. Other settings also get erased including downtime and co...
Hi, I use ScreenTime API for proving feature of hiding other installed apps in the iOS device. Specifically I set applications I want to hide to this property of ManagedSettingsStore.application.blockedApplications. Documentation to this propery says The system hides blocked applications and ...
OffScreen 将带你了解自己的手机使用状况,通过智能提醒、禁用 APP、番茄钟慢慢减少你对手机的依赖,找回专注力,回归生活。 ——— - 人性化的屏幕使用时间统计,让你先了解自己 * 统计每日屏幕时间、拿起次数、平均查看时长等 9 个维度数据 * 每日动态,用时间轴展示每日玩手机次数 * ...