INTRODUCTION TO THE APP Night Sky 的功能很简单,就是字面上的看星星:分别了解是什么时候看星星以及看的是什么星星。 对于了解什么时候看星星方面,Night Sky 除了提供常见的各种参数之外,还可以基于手机的位置提供相应的观星条件评估(好、一般、差),并且在今晚条件良好时提前提醒大家~ 对于了解看的是什么星星方面,...
星空“星空”是一款强大的扩增实境 (AR) 个人天文馆。 只需面向星空轻轻举起 iPhone、iPad 或 Apple Watch,即可快速识别上方的恒星、行星、星座和卫星,非常神奇!不论您在寻找星座还是国际空间站,让“星空”为您指路,然后通过扩增实境 (AR) 探索星体! 功能组合:
NIGHT SKY Designed for Apple Silicon Night Sky is a powerful personal planetarium. Quickly identify stars, planets, constellations and satellites in your own…
2. Night Sky 如果你对宇宙充满好奇,那么这款app真的相当值得一玩。它提供了相当丰富的星空信息,可以快速找到和识别星座、恒信、行星、卫星以及国际空间站,还可以借助AR探索。 下载链接:Night Sky 同类的软件还有Star Walk: Gazing at Night Sky和Sky Guide,不过我自己最喜欢的还是Night Sky。 3. WWF Forest...
Star Walk HD is the most beautiful stargazing app you’ve ever seen on a mobile device. It will become your interactive astro guide to the night sky, following y…
Designed for iPad 4.7 • 1.7K Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Apple Watch Description Star Walk is the most beautiful stargazing app you’ve ever seen on a mobile device. It will become your interactive guide to the night sky, following your every movement in rea...
Easykon for MyHome by Freedompro Ecolink ClearSky Home Monitoring Kit Enno Panno S All-In-One Controller (Total Home Lighting + HVAC Management) ENYU Smart Hub GARDENA smart Gateway — 支持 GARDENA smart Irrigation Control、Power Adapter、Sensor 和 Water Control Hive Hub Hive Hub 360 HomeWorks...
透過NVIDIA App 應用程式自動為超過 50 款遊戲最佳化遊戲設定。包括《愛麗絲驚魂記: 瘋狂再臨 (Alice: Madness Returns) 》與《魔獸世界 (World of Warcraft) 》等遊戲。
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Night Sky is a field guide to find the planets, galaxies, nebula, star clusters and other deep space objects. through an interactive map view It is designed…