@abidlabsI have a question about how to mount gradio app that uses simple auth(ex.demo.launch(auth=(username, password))to FastAPI. Above, all examples are not using gradio auth, but I need to use gradio auth(not huggingface Oauth). How can I do this?
App service resources: Create a resource group, App Service plan, and App Service web app to host your application. You can do this easily by running the Azure CLI commandaz webapp up. Or, you can create and deploy resources as shown in theFlask,Django, orFastAPIwith PostgreSQL tutorial. ...
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, demo.queue(),"/")# 如果需要连同后端 API 可将 FastAPI 的实例方法绑定给 gradioif__name__ =="__main__": uvicorn.run(app="main:app", host="", port=80, reload=False)
fastapi 服务 main.py fromfastapiimportFastAPI # mount_chainlit 提供了方便的集成能力 fromchainlit.utilsimportmount_chainlit app=FastAPI() @app.get("/app") defread_main(): return {"message":"Hello World from main app"} mount_chainlit(app=app,target="my_cl_app.py",path="/chainlit") if...
FastAPI object for a multi-page app. However if you mount a gradio app downstream of another gradio app, the downstream apps will be stuck loading. So in particular if you mount a gradio app at the index route "/", then all your other mounted gradio apps will be stuck loading. But...
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, io, path=CUSTOM_PATH) # Run this from the terminal as you would normally start a FastAPI app: `uvicorn run:app` # and navigate to http://localhost:8000/gradio in your browser. 请注意,这种方法还允许你在自定义路径上运行你的Gradio应用(在上面的示例中是http...
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, io, path=CUSTOM_PATH)# Run this from the terminal as you would normally start a FastAPI app: `uvicorn run:app`# and navigate to http://localhost:8000/gradio in your browser. 请注意,这种方法还允许你在自定义路径上运行你的Gradio应用(在上面的示例中是http:...
app = FastAPI() @app.get("/app") def read_main(): return {"message": "Hello World from main app"} mount_chainlit(app=app, target="my_cl_app.py", path="/chainlit") if __name__ == "__main__": import uvicorn uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) ...
from ai.ai_util import AIClient app = FastAPI() # 配置模板目录 templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") #将 static 目录映射到 /static 路径 app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") # 创建 AIClient 实例 ai_client = AIClient() ...
1.1 FastAPI FastAPI是一个现代、快速的 Web 框架,用于基于标准 Python 类型提示在 Python 中构建 API。 它开箱即用,支持通过 Swagger UI 使用 OpenAPI 标准自动生成 API 文档。 1.2 Gradio Gradio是一个 Python 库,用于为 ML 模型快速创建 Web 界面。 它构建在 Streamlit 之上,旨在易于使用和部署。 这对于向其...