Meanwhile, Trump and Elon Musk are waging a two-front war as Musk does the president’s “di 日常4677502-5 2024年那些值得一听的英文播客 2024年充满了许多令人愉快的作品:在这里,你会发现一些播客,他们有一些独特的创作技巧,优质的经典节目。这仅仅是个开始,许多引人入胜的节目仍在前方等待推出。收听...
Elon Musk - Winning through Innovation Chris Voss - Close Deals Like an FBI Negotiator Bryan Cranston - Your Career: Get Ahead of the Game Gretchen Rubin - Managing Projects & People Through Effective Communication Seth Godin - The Nine Growth Principles with Seth Godin ...
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In the meantime, U.S. investors from Frank McCourt to Jimmy Donaldson,known as Mr. Beast,have offered to do dealsthat would bring ownership of TikTok to the U.S.Trump has also expressed interestin billionaireElon Musk, who runsTeslaand SpaceX and owns X, orOracleChairmanLarry Ellisonobta...
Confirmed by Elon Take a look at features that Elon Musk has said will be coming soon. View Upcoming Features More News Cybertruck Wins Best Tech Award by MotorTrend; Tech Coming to Other Teslas Tesla Introduces 5G Modem; Speeds Up to 1000 Mbps ...
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