Windows App SDK 1.5 Cerca SDK de Aplicaciones para Windows espacios de nombres: SDK de Aplicaciones para Windows Microsoft.Graphics.DirectX Microsoft.Graphics.Display Microsoft.UI Microsoft.UI.Composition Microsoft.UI.Composition AmbientLight AnimationController AnimationControllerProgressBehavior AnimationDelay...
FSWindowsService FSWorkerTemplateFile FSWPFApplication FSWPFLibrary FSWPFUserControl FTPConnection FTPSites FullScreen FullTextStopList FunctionMissing FunctionWarning 漏鬥圖 FuzzyGrouping FuzzyLookup FXGFile 資源庫 甘特圖 量測計Linear 量測計Round GeminiEntryPoint GenerateAllFromTemplate GenerateAndRecordCode ...
Added the toTempFilePath method to the canvas element to export a specified area of the current canvas to an image of a specified size. Added the function of nesting a span element in another span element. Added the support for the click and longpress events on the list element. Added the...
Windows App SDK 1.6 Buscar SDK de Aplicaciones para Windows espacios de nombres: SDK de Aplicaciones para Windows Descargar PDF Learn Windows Aplicaciones Referencia de API para aplicaciones de escritorio de Windows API de WinRT C# Leer en inglés ...
CanvasElement CaptionTag CaptureFrame 轮播 CascadingDropDown CaseLookupColumn CaseTable CaseTableColumn CatalogZone CategorizedView CategoryAxis CategoryPageItemTemplate CCTProject CD CDDrive CellFormula CenterHorizontally CenterVertically 证书 CertificateError CertificateWarning CFile ChangePassword 变更集 ChangesetGro...
auto hlink = ref new Hyperlink(); hlink->Click += context; auto linkText = ref new Run(); linkText->Foreground = ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush(Windows::UI::Colors::DarkRed); linkText->Text = "Link"; hlink->Inlines->Append(linkText); auto linkPara = ref ...
auto hlink = ref new Hyperlink(); hlink->Click += context; auto linkText = ref new Run(); linkText->Foreground = ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush(Windows::UI::Colors::DarkRed); linkText->Text = "Link"; hlink->Inlines->Append(linkText); auto linkPara = ref ...
auto hlink = ref new Hyperlink(); hlink->Click += context; auto linkText = ref new Run(); linkText->Foreground = ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush(Windows::UI::Colors::DarkRed); linkText->Text = "Link"; hlink->Inlines->Append(linkText); auto linkPara = ref ...
auto hlink = ref new Hyperlink(); hlink->Click += context; auto linkText = ref new Run(); linkText->Foreground = ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush(Windows::UI::Colors::DarkRed); linkText->Text = "Link"; hlink->Inlines->Append(linkText); auto linkPara = ref ...
. We’ve also teamed up with CanvasPop to offer a printing service with a 100% "Love it" guarantee. Have your favorite artwork printed on canvas or as a poster and delivered straight to your door. Even large sizes are not a problem thanks to our high-quality, high-resolution technology...