Hi, I tried to find ways so that I can manage or stop background app process in Windows 11. I found one of links as...
As spotted by PhantomOcean3 on X (via Neowin), Microsoft has added a new background removal tool to Photos. Right now, the update is only on the Windows 11 Insider Canary channel, meaning it's still in the testing phase before it's released on the main channel. Regardless, it's still...
This tutorial will show you how to hide or show the background in the Paint app in Windows 11. ThePaintapp included in Windows 11 is a simple and powerful graphics editor with a range of uses. You can edit images quickly or create masterpieces with the tools in this app. Once you’re...
全新的Windows Studio摄像头和音频效果,基于AI技术,提升线上会议的画面和声音效果;语音聚焦(Voice Focus),可以过滤背景噪音,确保其他人能够清晰地听到你的声音;背景虚化(Background Blur),可以确保只有你自己展现在画面中,不怕小孩意外闯入;眼神接触(Eye Contact),可以帮助更好地与谈话对象建立联系;自动构图(...
全新的Windows Studio摄像头和音频效果,基于AI技术,提升线上会议的画面和声音效果; 语音聚焦(Voice Focus),可以过滤背景噪音,确保其他人能够清晰地听到你的声音; 背景虚化(Background Blur),可以确保只有你自己展现在画面中,不怕小孩意外闯入; 眼神接触(Eye Contact),可以帮助更好地与谈话对象建立联系; ...
Windows 11Windows 10 Controllare se un'app può essere eseguita in background SelezionaStart, quindi selezionaImpostazioni>App>App installate. Scorri fino all'app desiderata, selezionaAltre opzionisul bordo destro della finestra, quindi selezionaOpzioni avanzate. ...
9月21日,微软正式发布Windows 11 2022更新,这也是Windows 11发布以来的首个重大更新,同步向190多个国家和地区的用户全面推送。 微软表示,去年推出的Windows 11,让PC变得更加现代化,尤其是在系统底层增加了安全特性,而微软每天都会处理超过43万亿个安全预警信号,通过全方位综合性分析来确保Windows用户的安全性。 一如既...
针对视频会议应用,Windows 11 2022更新带来了Windows Studio Effects套件,包括全新的Windows Studio摄像头和音频效果、语音聚焦(Voice Focus)、背景虚化(Background Blur)、眼神接触(Eye Contact)、自动构图(Automatic Framing)。面向火爆的短视频,新增视频创作者工具Clipchamp,预置大量模板、特效,支持各种编辑功能。游戏...
通过PC完成生产力工作依然是最高效的,Windows 11 2022更新也增加了多处改进,进一步提高工作效率。 专注时段(Focus Sessions)、免打扰(Do Not Disturb),可以屏蔽让自己工作分心的各种事务和通知,开启后会静音通知、关闭任务栏应用通知,同时还整合了时钟应用,可以设定计时,并提醒用户及时休息。
针对视频会议应用,Windows 11 2022更新带来了Windows Studio Effects套件,包括全新的Windows Studio摄像头和音频效果、语音聚焦(Voice Focus)、背景虚化(Background Blur)、眼神接触(Eye Contact)、自动构图(Automatic Framing)。 面向火爆的短视频,新增视频创作者工具Clipchamp,预置大量模板、特效,支持各种编辑功能。