选择apply sdcard:update.zip 按下回车 这样系统就会开始自动升级到Blur_Version.2.3.9007.然后就等待,等升级好了以后选择reboot重启。开机后进入语言选择界面,在界面中直接按Alt+E Alt+EBLUROFF 跳过设置界面到桌面(在输入时是不会有反应的,直接按完后就跳过,Alt就是小胖键盘左下角那个按键&中间不用输空格)然后...
SD Card Manager for Windows PC. Supports all major SD card formats, including SD, SDHC, and SDXC.
losetup /dev/loop3 /sdcard/extraspace/app.img losetup /devv/loop4 /sdcard/extraspace/cache.img mount -o loop -t ext2 /dev/loop3 /data/app mount -o loop -t ext2 /dev/loop4 /data/dalvik-cache # 记得给权限,假设保留为root:root,升级程序,它还是原来的,删除apk程序,重新启动手机又回来...
{self.dpManager.value(forDP: .sdCardStorageDPName, success: { resultinletcomponents=(resultas!String).split(separator:"|")guardcomponents.count==3else{// 数据异常return}// 总容量lettotal=Int(components[0])// 已使用letused=Int(components[1])// 空闲letleft=Int(components[2]) }) {_in/...
The only virtual card app for Apple Wallet you’ll ever need! Securely store, organize and use your gift cards, loyalty cards, rewards cards, membership cards, tickets, and more with your phone. Declutter your wallet with Pass Cards Apple Wallet app!
iPhone 简介 Enjoy easy and on-the-go management of your cards with the FD Card Manager from FD Community Federal Credit Union. This app offers a convenient way to: • View recent and pending transactions. • View account details.
(文后有使用Partition Manager对SD卡进行EXT\FAT分区的教程) - 就是这样。只要您安装了Link2SD,它能为你做到尽忠职守。不需要您保存任何文件,不需要您运行任何脚本。 本软件是如何工作的: Link2SD mounts ext2 partition of your SD card as /data/sdext2 and makes OS mounts ...
iPhone 简介 Connect your dashcam, and get that extra touch of intelligence and protection for your vehicle and driving experience. Join our community of safe and smart drivers actively using our app and supporting the Dride mission to improve driving culture worldwide. ...
Wifi.Hotspot2.Omadm Android.Net.Wifi.Hotspot2.Pps Android.Net.Wifi.P2p Android.Net.Wifi.P2p.Nsd Android.Net.Wifi.Rtt Android.Nfc Android.Nfc.CardEmulators Android.Nfc.Tech Android.Opengl Android.OS Android.OS.Ext Android.OS.Health Android.OS.Storage Android.OS.Strictmode Android.Preferences ...
code = i; model2.bool = false; Model2 child = new Model2(); child.text = "Hello World Child" + i; child.code = i; child.bool = false; model2.child = child; testModel2.add(model2); } startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); file = new File("/sdcard/externalizable"); ...