An apostrophe followed by an “s” is used in English to create possessive nouns. For example, the noun dog becomes dog’s when you refer to something belonging to the dog, such as “the dog’s ball.” With plural nouns ending in “s,” you add the apostrophe after “s” and do ...
Apostrophe With Plural Possessions Examples Apostrophes can be used to indicate plural possessions as well. Most of the plural words end in "s". To indicate plural possession, keep the apostrophe at the end of the word and do not follow it up with another "-s". Look at the examples for...
Although many writers misuse the apostrophe in the plural possessive, the rule is quite simple, in both American and British usage: If the plural ends with -s, add an apostrophe: the boys’ kites, the knights’ chargers, General Motors’ mission statement. If the plural doesn’t end with ...
In general, the rule is to use only an apostrophe after S with a possessive plural noun. You do not need to place anything else after the possessive apostrophe. With a singular noun, you place an apostrophe before S to show possession. Let’s look at a few examples of possessive plural ...
Apostrophes With Possessive Nouns To show possession or ownership by asingular noun, an apostrophe plus the lettersis added to the end of the noun. A singular noun is only one of something or someone. For example,Johnis a singular noun. To describe the car that belongs to John, one could...
Most plural nouns end in s, but unless they are possessive, you do not include an apostrophe. The monkey's monkeys wanted the students' juice boxes. Apostrophe abuse often occurs with possessive pronouns. Yes, you usually indicate possession with an apostrophe. Pronouns, however, are the except...
Does its have an apostrophe when it is possessive? Is an apostrophe punctuation? Is whom plural? When to use an apostrophe in its What is a plural verb example? Define plural When to use an apostrophe after 's' How to use the apostrophe with double possession?
The meaning of APOSTROPHE is a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in 'John's book'), or the plural of letters or figures (as in 'the 1960's'). How to use apostrophe in a sentence.
WithMoses'leadership never More Examples of Apostrophe Placement for Possessive Nouns Singular Possessor Not Ending "-S" -s 's Take thegirl'shand and place it on the cushion. (This is the hand belonging to one girl.) I had to removePeter'slabel and replace it. ...
The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends ins, and by adding both an apostrophe andswhen it ends in a letter other thans. Examples excessive lawyers’ fees children’s toys the twins’ parents ...