Using an apostrophe to word ending in "s" can be tricky. Using an apostrophe after the "s" at the end of a word usually occurs when trying to add possession to a noun. Adding another "s" after the apostrophe can look awkward if the word already ends with the letter. Using an ...
Apostrophe can be used to show singular possessions. To denote this, just hang an apostrophe after the noun followed by an "s". You can use this method even if the word ends in "s". Following are some examples:These are Ali's books (This indicates that the book belongs to Ali). Ms...
Using an apostrophe to word ending in "s" can be tricky. Using an apostrophe after the "s" at the end of a word usually occurs when trying to add possession to a noun. Adding another "s" after the apostrophe can look awkward if the word already ends with the letter. Using an ...
Whenanounalreadyendsin“s,”youcandecidewhetherornottouseanother“s”aftertheapostrophe.Charles’scarORCharles’carWithmultisyllabicwords,don’taddanother“s”aftertheapostrophe.Dumas’secondnovel,Jesus’birth,Socrates’ideas,Illinois’legislature ©CapitalCommunityCollege THEMIGHTYAPOSTROPHE Toformthepossessive...
1. Petor's friends: 对于以s结尾的专有名词,通常在词尾加's表示所有格。 2. sisters' bikes: 对于以s结尾的普通名词,通常只在词尾加撇号表示所有格。 3. Peter's friends: 对于以s结尾的专有名词,通常在词尾加's表示所有格。 4. sister's bike: 对于以s结尾的普通名词,通常只在词尾加撇号表示所有格。
Where should I put the apostrophe when a name ends in “s”? Is it "James” or “James's"? As a first name, bothJames’andJames’scan be correct, depending on the style guide you use.Associated Presssays to add just an apostrophe (James’), while theNew York TimesandChicagostyle ...
With her red pen, Professor Pennington crossed through all the well's I had used as transitions. A chorus of ah-ha's filled the classroom as Professor Warner finally solved the difficult equation on the board. Every word that ends in s does not require an apostrophe. Some people get so ...
For example, Christine, from Portland, Oregon; Judy from Traverse City, Michigan; Katy from Australia; Kristi from Washington, D.C.; and Rick from Las Vegas, Nevada, all asked how to make a singular word that ends in S possessive. I know that this is a raging debate even at the ...
With her red pen, Professor Pennington crossed through all the well's I had used as transitions. A chorus of ah-ha's filled the classroom as Professor Warner finally solved the difficult equation on the board. Every word that ends in s does not require an apostrophe. Some people get so ...
Use an apostrophe and an “s” when you’re indicating that something belongs to someone: Correct: That was Gollum’s ring! Why did Bilbo have to steal it? When the thing doing the possessing already ends with an “s”, then put the apostrophe after the existing “s”: Correct: Legolas...