Bible Studies New Convert Resources Spanish Small Group Studies Church Supplies Newest Releases A Celebration of Creation: An Apostolic View of Identity and Gender byD. J. Hill $19.99 Right Now: A 90-Day Devotional for Youth and Young Adults ...
Five Easy Ways to Give Online You can give quickly and easily, here on our website. Text Message You can give by textingAPTABto888.364.GIVE(4483) Church App You can give via our official church app. In-Person You can give in-person in any one of our worship services. ...
Thank you for visiting us online, and we hope to meet you in person soon. SUNDAY 9:00AM Spanish Service 11:30 AM English Service WORSHIP WITH US WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY 6:00PM Prayer 7:00PM Bible Study SUBSCRIBE Visit Us On YouTube Elder Jesse &...
T. W. Massengale Is Home Bible Study (HBS) still a viable ministry for evangelism? Without question. Granted, in today’s fast-paced society it is… Click To Read More "Church Growth | Tim Massengale" church growth theology Tim Massengale Featured Theology: How do we address John 1:...
PreviousNext Your Church and Apostolic Pentecostal family in Rhode Island. Contact UsDirections Church Reopening Letter Pastor Ken's letter to reopen the church. Read Now Online Prayer Meeting If there are questions about our doctrine and would like to do an online response or study email at acts...
This is supported by the study findings in which an observation was made that the church does not rely on the bible for spiritual nourishment and guidance, but its faith is based on its own version of a 'Holy Book' called 'The New Tes- tament of the Apostles'/Humbowo Hutsva Hwe...
I am not knowledgeable enough to be able to expound much on the origins of the Catholic Apostolic liturgy, but I am told it combines elements of Anglican, Roman, Orthodox and Free Church worship! It is very Cranmerian in style, but with the rather longer prayers etc. that one might assoc...