Define Apostles Creed. Apostles Creed synonyms, Apostles Creed pronunciation, Apostles Creed translation, English dictionary definition of Apostles Creed. n. a creed dating from about a.d. 500, traditionally ascribed to Christ's apostles and beginning wi
宗徒信经 Apostles Creed 宗徒信经(文言文) 我信全能者天主圣父,化成天地。我信唯一圣子、耶稣基利斯督我等主。我信其因圣神降孕,生于玛利亚之童身。我信其受难,于般雀比辣多居官时,被钉十字架,死而乃瘗。我信其降地狱,第三日自死者中復活。我信其升天,坐于全能者天主圣父之右。我信其日后从彼而来,...
Related to Apostles:Apostles Creed,Twelve Apostles,12 apostles APOSTLES. In the British courts of admiralty, when a party appeals from a decision made against him, he prays apostles from the judge, which are brief letters of dismission, stating the case, and declaring that the record will be ...
W. M. Kingsmill
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Samaria, perhaps more than any other location in the Holy Land reminds us of the patience and mercy of God. Its message rebukes our tendency to avoid or discriminate against people because of their race, colour or creed. How often are we, like the disciples, only too eager to call down...
Related to The Apostles creed:The Lord's Prayer,The Nicene Creed A·pos·tles' Creed (ə-pŏs′əlz) n. A Christian creed traditionally ascribed to the 12 Apostles and used typically in public worship services in the West. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
宗徒信經 Apostles Creed 痛悔經 Act of Contrition 慈悲串經 Divine Mercy 又聖母經 Hail Holy Queen 教宗每月祈禱意向 Pope’s prayer intentions for 2016 飯後禱 Grace After Meals 飯前禱 Grace before meals 法地瑪聖母禱詞 Fatima Prayer 神聖慈悲九日敬禮 The Divine Mercy Novena 苦路The Stations of the ...
One hundred short sermons; being a plain and familiar exposition of the Apostles creed; the Lords prayer; the angelical salutation; the commandments of God; the precepts of the church; the seven sacraments; and the seven deadly sins.H. J...