I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. 网站意见反馈 Feedback Please let us know how we can make the website better for you!
rest we can only note that the word “Catholic“, which appears first in Niceta, is dealt with separately; and that “forgiveness of sins” is probably to be understood primarily of baptism and should be compared with the “one baptism for the forgiveness of sins” of the Nicene Creed. ...
Apostles’ Creed, a statement of faith used in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and many Protestant churches. It is not officially recognized in the Eastern Orthodox churches. According to tradition, it was composed by the 12 Apostles, but it actually developed from early interrogations of catechumen...
Return toCatholic Rosary Mysteriespage The Meaning Of The Apostles' Creed The Apostle's Creed is a list of what Catholics believe. The word creed itself means "I believe". The Apostles' Creed is the first of the Catholic Rosary prayers because it lists the important truths taught by Jesus. ...
The eighth article affirms belief in the Holy Ghost, to which are appended the additional clauses, declaring belief in the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh (body), and the life everlasting.2. Creed of Apelles:It will ...
And is seated at the right hand of god The father almighty From there he will come To judge the living and the dead I believe in the holy spirit The holy catholic church The communion of saints The forgiveness of sins The resurrection of the body And the life everlasting Amen 展开 ...
This fascinating summary of Catholic beliefs examines the Apostles' Creed as both a treasury of faith and an invitation to entrust oneself more completely to God. Noted Washington, D.C. pastor and teacher Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi...Peter J. Vaghi...
I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints: The forgiveness of sins: The resurrection of the body: And the life everlasting. Amen. The Apostle's Creed - History & origin The Symbolum Apostolorum was developed between the second and ninth centuries. It is the most popular...
宗徒信經 Apostles Creed宗徒信經(文言文) 我信全能者天主聖父,化成天地。我信唯一聖子、耶穌基利斯督我等主。我信其因聖神降孕,生於瑪利亞之童身。我信其受難,於般雀比辣多居官時,被釘十字架,死而乃瘞。我信其降地獄,第三日自死者中復活。我信其升天,坐於全能者天主聖父之右。我信其日後從彼而來,...