Probably, in the future these studies will be a useful way to early identification and treatment of reading difficulties.Carmen López EscribanoVíctor SantiusteAsociación de Psicología y EducaciónRevista De Psicología Y Educación
Aportaciones de la Ciencia Económica a la Practica Empresarial: De la competencia Imperfecta al Análisis Estructuralx2018;Sima del Elefante’: A New Pleistocene Site at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain). We present preliminary results of the study of a new Pleistocene site at the Atapuerca Hill...
In summary, a scientific approach is presented to improve the performance of taekwondo athletes, using advanced analysis tools to understand and optimize their performance in competition.Falco Pérez, C.Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Aportaciones femeninas a las teorías de la comunicación: una propuesta para la docencia y la cienciadoi:10.5565/rev/analisi.3327COLOMBIACOMMUNICATION educationHAZELCOMMUNICATIONS researchFEMALESGENEALOGYCommunication theories are a field of study in which the scientific contributions of f...
paramodular groupNo abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1080/13545700902736594Martinez-RodriguezSusanaRePEcFeminist EconomicsBudur N., Saito M.: Jumping coefficients and spectrum of a hyperplane arrangement. Math. Ann. 347 (3), 545–579 (2010) MATH MathSciNet...
Capacidad predictiva de variables asociadas al funcionamiento ejecutivo en el perfil estudiantil: aportaciones a la neurociencia educativadoi:10.5209/rced.77338EXECUTIVE functionRESPONSE inhibitionATTENTION controlACADEMIC achievementCURRICULUMNEUROSCIENCESINTRODUCTION. Growing interest in the study and ...